Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Not tonight actually. Just got a bit peckish and having a quick snack. The man is lucky to have committed folk like yourself.

At the time China was in really bad shape mate. Go back and look at the numbers on Feb 8th, hundreds were dying daily in China and the US had yet to have its first death. It was an act of generosity. All this shit is made in China ffs.

We also have a dedicated US thread so fuck off there if you want to vent.

Apologies TSG, another expert on now. If you are outside then the 6 feet rule is fine regardless of wind speed.

Just sharing an article mate, the only one being aggressive is you. Seems like you are a bit on edge - understandable considering the situation you currently are in tbf.

Yes you shared a bullshit article with a bullshit narrative.

We are doing well here in Cali thanks for asking. Roughly the same as S. Korea in terms of cases and deaths per capita.

Hope you and the family are doing well.
Stay safe.

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Do you think Trump would have sent that equipment if he had taken the threat of COVID seriously?

Nobody was taking COVID-19 seriously in western countries on February 7th mate, the US had one confirmed case and Europe two I think. It was regarded as a SARS type disease that would impact China badly but would be contained. Google a few timelines and read them.

The first country to partially shutdown in the west was Italy, that was March 9th. Stop trying to reinvent history.

They are looking at transferring some of the Dublin cases around the country where there is capacity

How many ICU in regional hospitals? Cork must have a good few.

No idea. There are beds in 4 different places in Cork id say. CuH, Mercy, mater private and Bons

My vote goes to the other lad.

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I think there are 12 in CUH

It’s been a bad time for the forum’s science clique as science has got its ass handed to them by this. You’re not the know it alls you claim to be guys.

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Any word from the anti vaxers lately?

You’d have to say they at least have a bit more excuse for their actions than the horsey set.

If it was that contagious would shop workers not be all coming down with it which so far does not seem the case.

Shops would be very well ventilated wouldn’t they to keep food from going off

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