Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Apologies lads but Iā€™ve ignored everything today. Can someone bullet point me todays developments please? Iā€™d like a separate report for Ireland and worldwide if possible. Thanks in advance


Weā€™ll check symptoms and dates with

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Weā€™ve had our highest number of cases but are relatively flat on deaths and ICU.

UK, Italy, France, Spain and New York had terrible days.

Iā€™m sorry I had to type out that post

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I had a couple of weird things today. I met a local gp who told me she was sent home because there was so little work. (based in sutton) I subsequently met another mate who is a ward boss in a private hospital who told me it is utterly dead, as in they have no patients *at the moment. Sheā€™s in one of the private hospitals that have been taken over.

I donā€™t mean none but very little


I think most of the ICU capacity is in Dublin at the moment. Where most of the cases are. I presume Naas will be used if capacity gets close to critical.

I donā€™t have any clue about the GP. Maybe people with the sniffles or an earache are just staying shtum at the moment.

I had a gander at Facebook for Old People there and my area in Dublin has had as many deaths over the last few days as it had in the previous six weeks. That may be a pure coincidence but I highly doubt it.

Please stay the fuck away from the fingal facebook

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Itā€™s good and itā€™s bad. Itā€™s true that it spreads much more quickly, but itā€™s bad in that you have to reach a very high % of people who have developed immunity to reach herd immunity. So for the flu at R0 1.3 you only need about 25% to achieve herd immunity, but at R0 of 3 you need over 60%. Thatā€™s the problem with the original UK approach, a huge number need to be infected quickly, there would have been no realistic way to protect the vulnerable or protect the HSE from overload.

I never touch FF.

If the r nought was that high there wouldnt be so many negative tests though. This is all fubar

There would be if people had it and were already over it. I donā€™t think the tests are foolproof. I think it depends on when you are tested and how much virus you have, Iā€™ve seen numbers as high as 30% that are false negative. Who the fuck knows, nothing makes sense at times.

It makes absolutely no sense if it is as contagious as is suggested that only a small percentage have got it, considering we made no effort to contain it for two months. Especially as so many are asymptomatic. Thereā€™s an Icelandic study where they found 50% who tested positive had no symptoms.

A cunt asking Dr Fauci now on CNN if the wind affects transmission and whether he should cycle closer or further away from people based on the wind. Has to be @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy.

We need a break, anything at all

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CNN have an expert doctor on who is an embarrassment in terms of how out of touch she is. A total waste of time, total bullshit answers.

I thought this was a good read

Not if he didnā€™t mention segregated cycle lanesā€¦



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Go to bed ye mad cunts.

You doing the nights feed Mike?

Just finished working for the manā€¦the hours have gone a bit strange being at home the last two weeks!

Doubt Iā€™ll make the early risers, itā€™ll be at least 7am before Im up and back workingā€¦

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