Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I warned the forum last week but you had lads lapping it up about great the Chinese are


I haven’t listened to the radio at all since this thing started.


you are better off

Paying peanuts to some poor man or woman over there to churn this stuff out and lads expecting the highest quality of equipment then

Facts and truth have no reason to be used here, particularly with anything Liverpool related.

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That playing the game was sentencing people to their deaths.

its a pr exercise, people need to wake up to the Chinese and what they are at

The West needs to reduce it’s reliance on Chinese manufacturing and imports


Is the Liverpool echo one of the papers Liverpool fans boycott for reporting the truth?

so what part of that validates any of your points?


Kill them

Execute them all.

I was talking about the pangolins, were you talking about the smugglers?

A wise move

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Agree . Folk need to realise they will have to start paying more for all our luxuries .

I was talking about the pangolins too.

Our local economy would be nothing without smugglers.


The 6 o clock news is more than enough Fagan

I’ve switched over to the 8 o’clock on virgin media. RTE are scandalous

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