Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Do you get enough Fagan on the 8 O’Clock news?

Sometimes I watch that . You are probably right .

You’re not missing much, I was passing through the kitchen yesterday morning and heard on morning Ireland that the unemployment rate is up massively compared to the same period last year and that car sales for March are drastically down. I didn’t hang around for the rest of the “news” I but presume that grass is green and the sky is blue were the next revelations of the day.

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the primitive Chinese will just find some other disgusting animal to eat

Imperial have tweaked their numbers since in fairness.

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Not 100% confirmed yet but we’ve been told that a 4 day week (20 percent paycut) could be on the way for at least 3 months and they’ll review after that…

Pints the may bank holiday. Even if I’ve to fly to Copenhagen and pay €15 for each one

Sure I could have told Imperial that

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Some models I think people should look at is comparing rates of death and infections for countries that have universal BCG vaccination versus those that don’t.

Any views guys?

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He was never one for worrying about minor inconveniences like correct facts fitting into his narrative.

He was blaming Spurs last week for staging a home match with 60,000 fans the same week as Cheltenham for causing the virus in the UK. Spurs didn’t play at home that week. They were away in Leipzig.

It’s the Scousers fault now.

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I was literally just about to post that.

Ireland had mandatory BCG vaccinations up until May 2015. UK stopped in 2005 apparently.

Did Barney just throw out an unfounded remark?

:rofl: :rofl:
His consistency in getting things horribly wrong is to be admired.


Were yourself and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy watching RTÉ Junior? :yum:


It certainly merits further investigation by the forums experts

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Can we get a BCG BCG BCG thread going?

He’s probably busy making sure funding and the pace of work is keeping up building a new ICU extension in UHL.

Nothing to do with this crisis. Sure they won’t have that finished for yonks


Its a new ward for the hospital that was being built before this and is continuing to be built now. It won’t be finished until the peak is long passed and likely the whole thing over. If previous is anything to go by it’ll probably lie idle for two years after it is finished because they can’t find staff for it