Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Problem is the nursing home clusters. The curve might flatten out but the death rate could go up for a good while yet.

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11% of what?

The difference between Ireland and Denmark seems to be the number of recovered. Denmark has 1,193 listed as recovered and Ireland 5. I would say that 5 number is highly suspect and isnā€™t being updated.

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Such comparisons are meaningless Iā€™m afraid

Iā€™d say they arenā€™t realising that number so they arenā€™t updating the tracker

Growth rate in new cases over yesterday. Seems to be fairly stable in Ireland around 11-15%.

Whatā€™s your thoughts on Russia and Africa?

I thought given we are both in lock down you could compare.

If you knew all the variables you could, but there are too many and we donā€™t know what we are looking for. So these imaginary timelines are pointless

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Forget about end dates and comparisons.

This is the long haul and you need to deal with it and adhere to the guidelines.


Canā€™t believe anything from Russia, cases in Africa seems very low, maybe they arenā€™t doing much testing.

Can somebody please provide a reputable source/sources where up to date numbers of tests conducted per country is provided?

This information seems quite difficult to get a hold of.

Youā€™ve no qualifications to say that fulvio. People are guessing. There has to be light at The end of the tunnel.

We need to stay at home and after that we canā€™t do anymore.


Iā€™m not engaging in guesswork. Itā€™s clear as day this is the long haul. Get used to it.

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Itā€™s a guess either way. I think things will be much better in 4-6 weeks. I hope all is well for your family back in Italy.

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If it takes hold in Africa it could get very bad there.

Look at the deaths in Spain, Italy & France and see what the light on the way into the tunnel looks like.

You seem very concerned about getting up & going for a Fella part time working as a stable boy.
You seem very selfish here tbh, mad to get back out & about making a dollar.

Yes, and India. Itā€™s baffling that India has fewer cases and deaths than Ireland. Must be all the quinine.

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