Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Just accept that your old life is over.


It’s nothing to do with me. You’ve tried to start on bookies on and now my job. My job is gone probably till early September Even if things are back to normal tomorrow. It’s about people’s mental health. There is zero comparison between us and Spain/Italy. We are in line with Germany and Denmark. If you can’t see this I feel very sorry for you. You seem incredibly limited you’ve to continually try and make this personal.

Mate, you told Fulvio he wasn’t qualified to be saying we should listen to our Government & Public Health officials and adhere to the Lockdown.

In your expert opinion we can get going again in 4-6 weeks.

What’s the Christian /muslim/Jewish thoughts on this?

There isn’t one government official that’s said it’s going to be 12-18 months. They imposed a two week lock down. They’ve also announced plans for the leaving cert to take place. No personal digs this time?


Who is telling you we are good to go in 4-6 weeks? Stop being so precious. Our Health minister & Taoiseach both relayed this week that is unlikely we will be okay after 2 weeks of lockdown.
HSE are expecting a surge.

You flip flop daily. You have skin in this game, you know I know that. Behave responsibly.

So unlikely in two weeks means 12-18 months? I’ve been totally consistent. Lock down for too long will be much worse than the virus. We are seeing it in southern Italy already. I’ve no idea what skin in the game you are talking about.

Discovering sex in the time of COVID-19.

So not fizzling out then?


Good luck trying to enforce a lockdown or social distancing in India. Mental country.

He’s a dreadful liar

Just heard a lad I used to know in China has died from this. He would have been well overweight but was only early 30s.

The rugby lads will be tripping over each other to go if that’s the case.


Sorry for your loss juh

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I’ve heard of half a dozen rural pubs letting customers in this week. Greedy cunts

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I’ve a friend working in the regional and he said every day the roads get more and more busy.

1100 dead in France today.

I was a bit devastated when I heard it just cos he’s so young. Hadn’t seen him in years. He was a funny fucker. Just very very sad.

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My sincere condolences juh. There are no words.