Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


The Flushirt circling the wagons

A silver lining in this is the socialist paradise was introduced by the ultra right wing Fine Gael.

Can’t be done, that’s not a fair request at all.

Mary Lou is spot on.

FG are following the template of their fascist colleagues from Hungary, the ones they group with in the European Parliament.

Using the same playbook to give Orban and Varadkar carte blanche to do what they like under the cover of this being an emergency.

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Has Mary Lou got over her latest dose of the sniffles?

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not according to the TFK speical correspondent from DAA

How did she actually self isolate for once her son was put in lockdown that time?
Is she sick again?

Apparently she’s making progress in her talks with SDs, Greens etc. And @Thomas_Brady suggests it’s only Leo who’s about spin :joy::joy:


I think worldwide underreporting of deaths, whether of actual COVID-19 cases or of increased deaths from other causes, caused indirectly by COVID-19, is going to become a big story or at least narrative very soon.

I’ve “wintered” in Venice Verona Florence Turin which were a whole lot colder than Ireland. Does this line magically stop at Austrian border ?

What has that got to do with the article in the lance it about low skin pigmentation, oily fish rich diet and vitamin d supplements?

close the airports, stop people like this coming home :roll_eyes:

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Erasmus students from Brazil were landing during the week.

I think the article is a crock of shit

Mary Lou has lads here driven absolutely demented, again.

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Shenzhen become first Chinese city to ban sale of dog and cat meat
Would have thought they might have done stuff like this already

Have you read it?

Flushirt sweep sweeping