Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Looking at her would do that to any man

Spain have extended their lockdown until the 26th of this month.

2023 is going to be a great year.

China needs to close their borders. Forever.



They can keep their tat as well

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17 deaths

331 new cases

Thatā€™s a decent decrease in % daily increase of new cases (that made more sense in my head before I typed it)?

158 cases have been admitted to ICU, as of midnight Thursday.

Iā€™m basing it on a graph I saw a week back, rather than pre-conceived notions.

Its interesting that China gets slammed for its lack of hygiene, while in my experience, Asian countries of Buddhist origin - or even Chinese origin - like Japan, Korean, Taiwan, Singapore have almost obscene levels of personal hygiene.

Pigs have better hygiene than some parts of China.

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By obscene I assume you mean obscene levels of cleanliness? Would agree with that by and large, have been to all the countries you mention and they are incredibly clean compared to western countries.

If this is essentially airborne as is now being suggested, itā€™s very difficult to avoid if you are out in public. The only hope you have is a mask, not touching your face, and frequent hand washing.

Deaths and ICU numbers have fallen in Spain and Italy for 2 days in a row. Italy down to 681 today from nearly a 1,000 a day last week. Hopefully the stay on the apex of the curve is a brief one for them and that number falls dramatically over the coming days.


Pigs are very clean animals. Itā€™s the conditions humans foist on them that make them look dirty.

Humans are the real virus.


I think the numbers are always down on weeks in a lot of countries for some reason but yes youā€™d hope they are over the worst of it.

Doesnā€™t matter how clean you are. If youā€™re filling your belly with lassie, Garfield, roland and bartoc day in day out, itā€™s going to catch up with you at some stage


China and India are just filthy. They were at least the last time I was in both. By some distance the two most unhygienic countries Iā€™ve been in.

Coming from a carlow man thatā€™s a fairly damning indictment.


Iā€™m from North London mate.