Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Ok. Sorry bout that

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India is very bad, Delhi, Jesus its like being in a different planet

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One of the safest spots on the planet right now apparently, fewer cases and fewer deaths from COVID-19 than Ireland. 0.06 deaths per million people, versus 24 in Ireland, and 250 in Italy.

Letting cows wander around with impunity doesn’t do a lot for cleanliness and hygiene. First thing I noticed in Bombay was how much cleaner it was than Calcutta and Delhi. Cows are banned from wandering around in Bombay.

India killed our beloved #marian. :cry:

you might as well kill yourself as drink a glass of tap water there. Goa is a nice spot thoiugh, easy to see it was controlled by Europeans for a long time

Was in Gurgaon just outside Delhi twice for work it made me realise what a fantastic society and country we have. Some of the things I witnessed chilled me to my core.

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If you can believe a word they say

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I had an essential drive down the M9 today. Cleared in advance by the Gardai. There’s no one out at all. People are taking this seriously now.

you’ll be probably banned for saying it, the like of @KinvarasPassion know what they are like there, India and China are places where horrendous things happen. They are primitive people

I had to do the shop for the house today and it seemed busy enough. Saturday is a day for shopping though

About 27,000 die in India each day, the total dead so far from COVID-19 in Italy and Spain combined.
It’s a remarkable statistic when you think about it.

Are they just ignoring it there or what?

It’s unbelievable alright when you compare their populations.

They are on a 3 week lock down but God knows what kinda testing the are doing

its unbelievable alright…

I’d say if you are alive in India you’ve the constitution of a horse and a serious immunity.

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What was the grub like?

God forbid you’d find yourself at the bottom of this chain…


And all of Clare

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