Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Morons wanted freebies. Sure did you see the survey after, more than any other party’s support SF voters prioritised tax cuts over public spending. The vapid mindless insta generation who see others on holidays and in new houses online and want to be handed the same.

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The people of D4 and D6 are ready to play their part.

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Not often I agree or engage with @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy but that post deserved a like.

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Singing songs will really help yeah. The “look at me” generation will love it though.

Its happening because Varadkar and Harris are too busy pretending to answer letters from “kids” telling them how wonderful they are and what a great job they are doing fighting the virus. Sickening stuff from the spin unit.

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They’d be as far on selecting the express delivery on and save the country a fortune, be as much chance of getting the proper stuff too

Some cause for optimism the Spainish have had the smallest % increase in infections since the crisis started.

Coronaviruses generally naturally ebb during summer months in temperate climates.

The Austrians has more people recover today than were infected. They say if they keep at it they’ll start to reopen after Easter.

The number of new coronavirus infections in Austria rose on Sunday to 11,897, but authorities reported more newly recovered than newly diagnosed patients and a declining number of people in intensive care.

On Sunday morning the number of new cases had risen by 270 since Saturday morning, while the number of recoveries rose by 491, according to the health ministry.

It said the daily rate of new COVID-19 infections has fallen significantly in recent days, Reuters reported.

“These are some hopeful figures, but now…we must remain consistent and not give up…Hence my appeal: No private Easter celebrations and Easter holidays,” said Health Minister Rudolf Anschober.

Some 204 people have died of the global pandemic in Austria.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has indicated he will present a rough road map on Monday regarding when, in which order and under what conditions the restrictions on public life that have been in place since March 16 could be eased.

“If we all remain disciplined during Easter week, I am confident that we will be able to gradually and cautiously return to normality after Easter,” Kurz told the daily Kleine Zeitung in an interview published late on Saturday.


Great news… We just might avoid a lock down here and see this thing on the run by June.


We’ll be sipping pints the May bank holiday weekend mate

I don’t think you’re committed enough to your internet point scoring if you aren’t willing to see thousands die to be vindicated

First time anything decent came out of that place.

Or the lad in Tipp

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In all fairness there have been some tulips of every political persuasion elected in Ireland over the years.

We don’t know the toll this is taking on otherwise healthy elderly people.

My parents are 84 & 80 and are home with just themselves in the house. They’d normally be fairly active, the auld lad still drives, and they have their daily routines. It’s the disruption to same that’s really hitting them.

The Mrs & myself called with shopping the other day and it was like that scene from Fr. Ted’s Night of the Nearly Dead as they almost pawed the porch door to see us. My father was in pyjamas and a dressing gown in the middle of the day - this is a man who wouldn’t be seen in public without a tie and being clean-shaven.

They’re fretting about everything, rational or not. How myself and the Mrs are (we’re both still working), fretting about my brother in London, fretting about the dog being walked.

It’s awful to witness. Hopefully we’ll all come out the other side but the toll it’ll have taken on the elderly could be severe indeed.


Called to my own folks this morning. Looking at mass on the laptop. It isn’t easy for them especially.


They were looking at your what on the laptop?

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That’s horrendous. I’ve been trying to explain this scenario for 48 hours.

Yeah you’ve hit the nail on the head. Even the active retirement events once a week provided some interaction and stimulation for some of the older generation. Living in fear and isolation can see a rapid regression in these people. People will say that that’s better than them being in the cemetery but how much time does a fella in his late 80s 90s have anyway. Some of these people went for a game of cards or went to mass or whatever else and now they have to spend their remaining days in lockdown. If they pass away during this time of natural causes they now know there will be no people at their funeral. I think most people can live with this for 2 or 3 months but hopefully common sense can prevail after that and people can slowly get back to normal.


End the lockdown.

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You’d wonder if it went on long enough would even an active person in their 80s be able to return to normal or would they get too used to being house bound.