Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

This is a mature discussion and an uncomfortable one.

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Face up to it to fuck and stop virtue signaling.

Fuck Carole Baskin.

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Would they be able to manage a Skype call at all? I feel this is a massive boost for the elderly but obviously many can’t use the technology. Could you try drop in some sort of old smart device to them?


Great post. I think by the end of next week we will know a bit more of where we’re at. If the numbers stay low enough then maybe another 2 weeks of the earlier restrictions should be called with a view to getting back to some sort of normality by mid-May. If they’re high and climbing then it’s another 3 or 4 weeks of what we’re doing and reassess again. People talking about staying like this for 3 or 4 months have their heads in the sand.

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That’s top notch mate.

If the numbers stay low that’s good - but if they dont that’s bad.


:smiley: You’re absolutely seething at my Shinners post, aren’t you! Let it all out here, pal.


What post is this?

525 deaths in Italy. At least the death rate seems to be dropping there finally.

Decline for 3rd day in a row in Spain as well.

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When do we get today’s numbers?

What common sense?

There’s no press conference on a Sunday.
The figures will be released to the media shortly


To add to the good news out of Italy today, a little respite for New York, although only one day so too early to declare a plateau. 594 new deaths compared to 630 yesterday, and new hospitalizations dropped to 574 from 1,095. 74% of those hospitalized so far have been released.

It’s becoming depressing almost waiting for these numbers to be announced every night as if it’s a part of a nightly routine.

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It is part of a nightly routine


I was saying last night about my Godmother’s spirit being knocked out of her as she’s lost her very active routine (late 80s) and is a bit isolated from family (though not neighbours thankfully).

If fairness she sounded a bit more upbeat today. She was telling me one of the her friend’s daughters left in some jigsaws on her doorstep and was up till 1.30 last night finishing it.


I know we’ve never lived TV though this type of thing before but certain aspects such as what you’ve outlined there remind me of the troubles, growing up as a kid in the 80s the news must have held similar fears

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I hope it’s all over soon anyway tracksuit :pray:

What did they do for palms?