Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Ingrid Miley doing a nice bit of stating the bloody obvious and attempting to scaremonger on the news now.

Are you saying the Virus is toying with us and engaging in some sort of psychological warfare?

You get the sense the media are going to miss this virus

I’d worry for Fergal Bowers once all this is over. How will he fill his days?

There’s some evidence of that, in that it attacked the weak willed Italians first.

It waits ten days then pounces. Look at the graphs ffs


If you straight up basing this on deaths, we are 26 days since our first one with 174 deaths so far. Italy had nearly 3 thousands deaths at the same point from the date for their first death.

Lombardy with Just over double the Irish population had over 1,700 deaths with triple digit daily deaths for the majority of the week preceding that, including 319 deaths on that day. The numbers infected in Lombardy at that stage was 17.7k and they had only ran 49k tests (where as we are at around 40k ourselves). And just to point out that of Italy’s 16k deaths so far, Lombardy is close to 9k of them which is disproportionate to its size overall.

You can make the numbers look whatever way you want at times but there are a lot of variables there. Sweden for example had a similar range of deaths to us now 10 days ago and percentage growth in the days leading up to that in the exponential range but the percentage growth of deaths there has decreased since then down to 4/5% daily now. Austria is looking more linear as well

The numbers here will sadly increase over this week but I think you’re being picky there.

In fairness, it’s a very confusing picture.

It’s only hiding in the long grass, like a team after a shit league waiting to unleash in the sweltering heat of championship.

Limerick 2001 - it wouldn’t enter a dark room

If you were in a nursing home and got a flu in normal circumstances they wouldnt bring you to ICU either probably


Eh, did Sweden not get a bounce upwards in cases last as per a link you posted?

Any chance you know any medical types who could validate this opinion for us?


No doubt someday has asked\ponted this out previously but I’ll ask anyway. What reliability can be put on the identified cases to deaths numbers? Different countries have different testing regimes and would also seem to have different reported death criteria. For example, in the UK the figures reported are of deaths in hospital so no deaths in community or care homes included in the figures. The UK testing regime has up to now been pretty restricted in that tests are only done if you get to hospital unless of course you’re royalty or a politico.

No reliability as we have no idea how many were/are infected. It’s the thing that is throwing people off track most when discussing this. All you can say is that it’s highly infectious and swept through most countries from January to early/mid March before any attempts were made to slow the spread. The numbers dying in various countries seem mostly related to how many older people were infected. You can see that in Ireland where it got into nursing homes.

So it’s lies, damned lies and statistics.

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I didn’t post that?

The link said they had just over 400 deaths (it’s 477 now) They had similar numbers of deaths to us right now 10 days ago. That’s not exponential or the same as the countries he mentioned.

The left is the total number of deaths and the right is the % growth rate.

Bojo in icu

Silver lining and all that, it’s no longer suspicious to have a mark, rubber gloves, duct tape and plastic sheeting in the boot of your car.

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There’s no way you can place reliance on them as the total but it should still give you a good idea of what is to come in terms of ICU needs. If you have a good testing regiment testing all those with symptoms correctly and even more broadly and your growth rate is falling, the evidence is that you can suppress it.

If there’s any logic to the UK strategy it would be that they’re going for herd immunity still by stealth whilst trying to protect at risk groups.