Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Leo’s going to look a right prick if BCG is important since he was health minister when they stopped vaccinating young people for it in 2015

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Young lads on pills and coke will throw up huge problems. Will be hard to throw yer arms around complete strangers and slobber shite into their face for a good while you imagine

Luckily for him the 0-5 year olds seem to be not bothered by COVID-19.

was that quoted by someone looking to conceptualize existence? There’s a pattern there

Mate post a graph or fuck off


Finally one I can make sense of

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This is a graph of all graphs on TFK over the last day.


It’s almost like the Japs were pretending they didn’t have much of a problem just so the Olympics could go ahead.

By, the way, if anybody could do up a mock Olympic logo with a Coronavirus particle replacing one of the Olympic rings or the zeroes in “Tokyo 2020”, that would be great.

It’s a sad state of affairs if you can’t trust the Japanese

My Deliveroo is going to be delivered by John. I hope it’s not Baldy John as he may still have the Coronavirus :anguished:

After Japanese Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda visited France in 1962, Charles De Gaulle remarked: “That was not a Prime Minister, that was a transistor salesman”.


Where did you read this?

Irish Times

The times seem to be well ahead of the field on this. I can’t find anymore on it anywhere

Breaking: 16 new deaths due to covid-19 in Ireland. Further 370 cases. 5,364 cases in total


Drove back from Waterford there on the M9 earlier. Basically nothing in the way of private car until I got to Naas. Just lorries and vans. Garda checkpoint on the bridge stopping people going into Waterford. Another bit of a kerfuffle at the M9/N25 interchange two Garda cars either side of a Porsche and the gardai questioning a Chinese man. Assume it was speeding and the Chinaman had decided to take the Porsche out for a burn seeing as there was no traffic on the road.

Passed two hearses both laden with coffins between Naas and the Red Cow.

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There is an outbreak of Covid 19 in one of the Naas nursing homes.

Father of a fellow I know has died from it. 73 years of age. No underlying health issues.