Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The Finns are very smart guys. Very smart.

  • Bringing people back from Spain
  • Outside walking when supposed to be in isolation
  • Stockpiling of goods so the elderly canā€™t get them

You are a traitor to the Irish nation


Iā€™m Lakota.

Japan has declared a month long state of emergency

This would have been expedited had they not being hosting the Olympics.

A shit load waiting for results in UHL.

One of my good friendā€™s nephew, aged 2, rushed to regional yesterdayā€¦ So far diagnosed with pneumonia, waiting on Covid results.

Unbelievable, good luck to your friend


Anyone else in family showing symptoms or ill? That is a nightmare.

not as Iā€™m awareā€¦ Single parent. Nightmare is right and no family can come near the mother.

Eh, are we not locked down already?

Not really pal. Weā€™re about 70% of the way thereā€¦

Iā€™ve missed the press conference and bulletins the past few days.
Has there been any update on the testing in Germany?

Are those suspected cases actually in the hospital? If so, itā€™s not a stretch to say our number of cases could easily increase by 50% over the next week.

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The only thing left is stopping people infected with corona virus from going out walking their dogs, but surely youā€™d oppose that measure


Donā€™t be getting snotty now just because youā€™re gasping. Estates all over the country are fairly hectic at eveningā€¦ Most of our estate were out at 5 yesterday and while families are keeping to themselves, kids just donā€™t get it and are running and cycling into people. People are also shopping in twos and threes still. That would be cut to 1 member of household only. People are also ignoring the 2 k plea and driving to parks and beaches etc.

So what you are saying is they just need to actually enforce the current measures?

Yes. but our airports are also open. And coffee shops and the likes doing take aways also may all need to go. As well as other businesses still going.

Itā€™s utterly bizarre behaviour. Parents in estates letting their kids off the leash to mix with other kids

Idiots shopping in twos or worse bringing their kids.

Wankers driving all over the Country to take a fucking walk.

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I was queuing to go into Tesco last night and there was a couple in front of me in the queue. The person in control of the queue would only let one of the aforementioned couple into the shop and the other had to stay outside.


Would he be interested in arranging a few punishment beatings for these offenders?