Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Families with children round our way have done well, no crowds on the two greens and nothing silly to report at all.

Meanwhile I went to Lidl Childers Road yesterday evening for the shopping top-up. I wont be going again. One security lad at the door just waving people through, minimal cleaning material inside the door and a free for all in the aisles. I picked up one item we had to get there and left asap.

Curiosity got the better of me on the way up to the motorway turn so I drove over to Childers Road retail for a look. Range is open with strict security on the door. The queue was round the side of the building and back out again towards pizza hut. A fella would want to be desperate for a tin of paint.

Only the Indians should be doing as they please, everyone else should stay home

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LIDL on the Childers road is my go to at the moment for fruit and veg, basics and little treats etc,
I think they’ve been brilliant, they’re strictly enforcing the amount of people allowed in at a time, there’s often queues, the till staff are excellent, the aisles are quite wide but if people won’t socially distance themselves then there’s little the shop can do,
And there’s never been an issue with cleaning/disinfectant at the entrances in my experience,
Not saying you’re not telling the truth but it seems like an unusual situation for that shop

You went to Lidl for one item :open_mouth:

I suppose in this current pandemic you have time to burn…

He badly needed that waffle maker

ok. The point was that we’re no quarantining people coming into the country, no matter what their nationality. A girl in my work place made here way back from northern Italy a couple of werks back via Germany.

Lot of smart arses looking to get a few boots in today. Im happy enough to let you lads vent tho, it’s a tough time for everyone.

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Ye need a communal spirit like our estate where the kids are being let out on a “them fuckers have been out for ages basis”

No idea. I assume the 400 is in our numbers dropped in over few days. But I am just guessing

No they’ve had passengers on them. Holiday makers and the like

Shouldn’t be going to Tesco anyway. A plague

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Better start using my data on my 6 walks.

Maybe people are just done with the internet? It’ll be a big challenge to keep them in this week if weather is as good as they say.

People will only stay in lockdown for a limited amount of time though. Slippage is inevitable

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Slippage during dry spells highly unlikely. During a High spell, very probable.

I’ve been studying the reports, a lock down can only last 4 weeks max, people will rebel, its unnatural to be held priosner in your own home


Could they not simply be turning off netflix and going out to the garden?

I must have 6 nice post awards on this thread from having a pop off you. I’m some man to gauge the mood of the forum and swing with it.

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That article is a bit mad. They’re expecting 66,000 deaths in the UK which will be more than 3 times what they expect in Italy and more than 4 times what they expect in Spain.

They’re saying the peak of infection has passed if social distancing stays in place until August. Does that include the lockdown?