Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I just hope no one is taking you serious.

Easy to tell which lads completely lost the run of themselves during the Celtic Tiger and which didn’t from this thread.


Did I mention here before that he’s a born liar?

Where is which part happening, the locking up? The coercive measure have just been signed off on, give it a few hours …

That’s a very fair and reassuring post. I hadn’t thought about it like that. Mental health will be an issue Of course tracksuit but we’ve dangerous selfish bastards on here who happy so they’ll try and deny it. It’s a fine balance. I personally see no reason why churches can’t be open and stuff like that to give people hope and a small bit of an escape. I hope you are well :pray:

If we haven’t been contract tracing yes. We’ve no idea where we are at. I wrongly presumed we contact tracing and identifying people. This changes things in my eyes.

how do you restart a lockdown?

Alright lads, go about your business there for two weeks and then we’ll have another go at doing this properly :smiley: :smiley:

So you want the churches opened but nobody allowed out to go into them?

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Will you rebrand if it doesn’t come along? This was brought in by the government, but you think its step one in a conspiracy of everyone including the AG and michael D, to start locking people up for no reason. Let that sink in.

No start immediately tonight with contact tracing. See where we are at in six weeks time. Countries that put in place a proper six week lock down seem to be lessening restrictions some little bit.

I’m not denying there are people with mental health issues but there are also people who are jumping on the mental health issues for their own benefit and that is either pretending they have mental health issues when caught doing something wrong, I am sure you don’t want me to reference these people and others who making a quick buck out of it.


Just a brief recap on this chap to get a handle on his wummery or other issues.

  • Went to Cheltenham
  • Came home & started 2 week self isolation
  • Was shouting for full lockdown early doors ( fact his mates were out & about didn’t sit well )
  • we get lockdown & bookies close etc
  • he gets bored & now mental health during Global Pandemic is effecting mental health of men in Ireland ( no mention of women’s mental health )
  • Southern Italy may have gang issues due to extended Lockdown

Have I missed anything lads?


That’s fair enough but that’s an issue to tackle another time. Too many people are trying to deny mental health issues because they feel safe. They aren’t thinking about other people.

No those are the first things I’d look to reopen after a proper lock down. I think even a few little things would greatly help when the time is right.

You’ll be calling for a Government cull of Nursing Homes soon to get the economy going.

what’s the alternative? If you have mental health issues you’re allowed out to do what you want?

There’s nobody denying the difficulty of the situation, for anyone, except a few WUM’s.

you’ve this worm in your head now a while lad. I’d say talk to someone

We’ve created a police state in the most underhand and sinister way. The last time this country had such coercive measures was under the tans and we swore we’d never let it happen again … Kell surprise, a highly decorated member of the her majesty’s police force gains charge of the Gardai and we are back introducing martial law.

Snake mate, he’s a snake.

I disagree with this. Surely contact tracing going forward is of huge importance? When we open things up again the virus will come back, obviously. The key surely is a)ensure people have limited ‘dangerous contact’ for the foreseeable future, and b) whenever and wherever the virus does pop up, lockdown all contacts again, but because of measure (a) we have considerably less people to lock down.
Surely that gives us the best chance of normality going forward?
Not contact tracing is like restarting everything from early January in complete ignorance?