Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Fulvio tried to completely deny it. Iā€™m saying donā€™t forget about these people. We will have to learn to live with the virus Esteban. Thereā€™ll come a point in the future where lock down is negatively effecting mental health much more that protecting us from the virus. There is a balance and we need to keep this in the forefronts of our minds.

This is whats wrong. People are whats wrong. Having the Gardai to come to a street and show people how to queue. For their fucking chips.

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Cc @Fagan_ODowd


But yet youā€™ve guessers claiming we are in lockdown. Thereā€™s an expert talking about self isolating on the radio. Itā€™s scary.

Cc @Fagan_ODowd

That seems to be a big problem around here. Lots of lads are looking at measures in the here and now and not future impact. Lots of very short sighted - it wont affect you - type posts flying around. An awful lack of being able to see the big picture.

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People cant be trusted.

more of a @gilgamboa

The person serving those chips could be riddled with the virus and is spreading it all over town. With no contact tracing weā€™ve no idea where we are at.

Iā€™m fucking off up for a walk in the graveyard picking out a plot.

If i donā€™t get the virus, iā€™ll get depression


Youā€™ve fellas denying depression will be an issue. Have a great day Esteban think about the waves in Brandon :ok_hand:



Itā€™s full now. Iā€™d sooner be fucked in a ditch than buried in Balgriffin.

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Useless fucking snowflakes who canā€™t be arsed to cook even when they have nothing else to be at.


The Kaiser has a good piece on the functionality of the current Seanad in the Paper of Record this morning, as it happens.

Whatā€™s wrong is people denying the fact mental health is an issue even though 300-400 people die from suicide a year in Ireland. Thatā€™s whatā€™s very wrong.

Stop diminishing people with mental health issues by adding selfish people with a lack of resolve in with them.


So she sent some emails and didnā€™t pick up the phone?


Many peopleā€™s mental health will be boosted by the lockdown doing away with the rat race and the dying off of conspicuous consumption and boastful, indvidiualstic behaviour in favour of societal co-operation.

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