Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Theyā€™re only asking the questions though, nothing at all meant by it; aka The Ewan defence.

These guys are the real patriots though, not like the shills and sheeple

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Oh youā€™d never be up to them. Fierce sharp divils.

No, but seriously though, thereā€™s a few lads on here who take everything seriously, its alright for the likes of ourselves who can spot the lads on the nasty wind ups, but not everyone can or does.

Lovely bit of seethe seeping out now.

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Enjoy mouse. Anything like that is a great help in these testing times.

Some people are trying to deny this for their own selfish reasons. The As long as Iā€™m safe Fuck everyone else attitude.

Her husband passed away in the last few years. She was a respected journalist not all that long ago.

wow - just wow.


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Just saw on Facebook thereā€™s events like ā€œcans in the park this weekendā€ and stuff like that cropping up. People will stop taking this serious Iā€™m afraid shortly. We need leadership now.

Do we need lockdown again? Itā€™s getting hard to keep up with you.

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George Orwell couldnt have written this stuff ā€¦


Is there a more precious bunch of people than Irish media folk.
A lot them seem to think they are the news.


@TheUlteriorMotive - why did you lie to the forum. These measures are not just for 4 days - The gov have the power to enact these powers when they like -

Hard to disagree with that.

Go back and read what he said again

Iā€™m gonna continue self isolating until April 24th but thatā€™s it, Iā€™m de-self isolating on the 24th and Iā€™m going for pints that weekend. This has gone on long enough now, 4 weeks this Saturday.


I donā€™t understand why you are always such a little cunt towards me every so often raylan. I believed the quicker we go into a proper lock down the quicker we can come out of it as a whole. I didnā€™t realise we were not contact tracing and in my opinion that makes a fuck of our lock down efforts so far. Thereā€™s far too many people out and about who could be spreading the virus without knowing. (Tracksuit made a good point that eased my worries here). Also a lot people were coming and going through the airports as well which is another worry. After a proper six week lock down where everyone adheres to the measures I believe we can slowly come out of lock down in an ideal world. Opening churches and parks would be the first thing id look at. As I think it would help peopleā€™s mental well being. Iā€™d probably look to get back to some sort of normality within three - four months with stuff like pubs and organised sport being the last things to bring back. Obviously on the proviso the numbers stay flattened and that sort of thing and keeping an eye on other countries that are coming out of lock down and seeing how they are doing. First and foremost we need a proper six week lock down. I havenā€™t a clue now if our lock down was effective with todayā€™s news. After six weeks we can think about coming out of proper lock down. It isnā€™t hard to understand. Iā€™m sure like Harry youā€™ll bring bookies or something into it but as I said lifeā€™s far too short to be having a go at people in this current crisis. None of us are experts. I hope you have a good day :pray:

You might as well be saying anyone dying from corona had issues to begin with so why bother

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Simon Harris has a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom

The Corona virus is like when a hot girl moves into your school and every lad starts trying her and forgets about the other girls. Itā€™s the ā€œinā€ thing at the moment. Mental health and other health issues are still on going. People canā€™t forget this.

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This is the new tour de france

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