Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

That’s a big mouthful. I haven’t abused you at all, just pointed out the inconsistencies in your position. Take some time to think over your posts, and leave out the abuse


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It’s a fluid situation. I only learned this morning we weren’t contact tracing and that changed my opinion on our lock down efforts. I’d also add looking at what’s app, Instagram and Facebook I’d be concerned people throw their hat at lock down this weekend. I hope it pisses rain and that keeps people in doors.

“If I’d a euro for every time I was called a cunt I’d retire” - she’s only in it for the money

Gemma O’Doherty needs to be sectioned.


Agreed, balance is key here, people need to acknowledge this


Lads are terrified of their own company, it’s bizarre. Are they consumed by guilt or something?


Doubt she’s been called a **** 280,000 times, yet.


Careful laz you’ll Get a load of abuse from a certain few posters for saying this. Of course balance is key. We can’t forget that. We need to be thinking on how we will be adapting to life with the virus. It’ll probably be here forever more. I hope you and the family are well.

what has it been saying?

Jesus that could send @Fagan_ODowd over the edge altogether


I glanced throught the above and noticed the abuse you were recieving, desperate stuff, no need for it at all. This will pass as all things do, there is a herd immunity to sense and reason on here sometimes,


Is Paul simple?

He writes for the racing post

Where were these children all along? It’s like until now they were locked away in some state sponsored institution during daylight hours Monday to Friday


Don’t worry I’m a very forgiving individual. Everyone is finding it difficult in many different ways. We need to stay respectful towards each other and stay together. We will get over this.

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Anyone that slightly question’s the regime’s measures are set upon by yes men like @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and @TheUlteriorMotive

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Utter wanker. I hope he drives into a fucking wall

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There was a video posted last night, probably about 4,000 posts up, of her wailing at some poor Garda trying to get her to cop on a bit.