Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The truth is a lot of people will secretly be loving these new measures. They have a subservient nature and crave authority and state intervention in their lives, gardai patrolling the streets with batons is manna from heaven for these guys

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I wouldnā€™t defend her for not paying the Revenue, unlike you defending Mick Wallace who fed off it.


828 deaths in the UK

Up there now with the levels of Italy and Spain. :eek:

Was it the same last week, dip around Sun/Mon and numbers spiked again midweek?

Would that make more sense in terms of the places where deaths have gone through the roof?

I think that figure is for England alone

936 total

Sounds like that might their highest yet

Fucks sake, typical of the whinging little bitches on the left. This is manna from heaven for them, imaginary persecution and not accountable to make any decisions or fix this, while their dole remains safe. Why not take the dole and supplement the working peopleā€™s payment, then give dolers food stamps that cant be used om cigarettes and alcohol? Imagine how much time that would save the health service

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Of which the 2 main parties in the state where the cause of.

Have seen some of the FB brigade posting that they are so sad to hear of John Prineā€™s death. The fuckers wouldnā€™t have known if he was a drummer or trumpet player or what he was.

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Iā€™m devastated by it. Wasnā€™t he the sardines guy?

He is a sovereign citizen from Cabra, such videos are massive in the US far right, Trump supporters lap that shit up

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A r0 of 5 and the Chinese only had 80,000 cases. Hmmmmmmmm


Defo a Ben Gilroy type.

How are Italy and Spain doing today?