Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

ā€œThe Fire is under controlā€ - Spanish PM

That would seem about right Iā€™d say.

As long as the virus looms you canā€™t be opening bars, restaurants and attended sporting events as itā€™s impossible to police social distancing.

Interesting that the northā€™s numbers seem far more in line with the south than the rest of the UK.

My boss is Swedish. Currently back in Sweden.

He is quite relaxed about it all. Kind of reminds me of my UK colleagues about 3 or 4 weeks agoā€¦


Relaxed or arrogant?

The population density of Sweden is something like less than half of ours. Thatā€™ll probably go a long way to saving them provided they arenā€™t taking the piss.

Interesting but not surprising. North has differed from Britain on some things like burials too.

The church has played a vital role.

Again itā€™s the geographical advantage that this island has.

For all the backslapping the government is getting down south, most of it has been luck more than anything.

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He said that yesterday alright but didnt mention the LVF.

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I was told by a well known Dublin publican itā€™ll be July at the earliest.

Laz is in the LVF?



Itā€™s hard to get a read on the Swedish numbers. Iā€™ve read that they havenā€™t counted deaths outside of hospitals initially and then adjusted.

Whilst 100 deaths a day is appalling for something like this, it should also be put into the context of other countries. Spain clocked over 900 deaths a day at one point and is just 4.5 times the size of Sweden. As I said there are a lot of variables there in terms of reporting of actual deaths but if we did call things equal that is really not out of line with countries that introduced hard social distancing. This may or may not be their peak in death growth % rate, case % has slowed but they havenā€™t exactly been tested to beat the band.

Restaurants should be able to be opened earlier, they are far easier to manage social distancing in reality. Theyā€™ll just have guidelines on groups and distancing.

The issue there will be how economical it is to reopen if half your tables are gone.

Variables me arse, poor decision from their government imo.
Hopefully loss of life isnā€™t too high.

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I fear a lot of businesses currently shut wonā€™t be reopening.

Well yes. These businesses depend on high trading volumes so itā€™s futile opening up when they are restricted.

There isnā€™t much point to a pub with social distancing

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Eh yeah there are variables Iā€™m sorry.

You donā€™t seem to realise that the likes of HK, Signapore and South Korea managed this with far less draconian measures initially than what we have had in China, most of Europe and North America. Sadly the actual deaths here will play themselves out in time and we can tell then.

Sweden has roughly twice the population of Norway, Norway are in a hard lock down and have 100 deaths, Sweden have close to 700

Not all restaurants do tbf. I could see the ones currently doing delivery and who scaled up for it managing it.