Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Vast majority of the Swedish population would be located in the south of the country. Ours is spread out across the island bar Dublin.

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According to the mirror Dublin has 55% of our cases.

Would a regional easing of lockdown measures be on the cards?

Yes but as mentioned, population density could play a role with Sweden also more dense than Norway, in particular Stockholm. That is the flip side to the significant higher death rates thus far in some other continental countries so far- although Denmark is flying it relatively speaking . There are variables here and sadly an overall death rate that will have to play out.

I do agree they’ve taken a huge risk here, but the deaths have to be put into some context as well.

The “herd immunity” view was that you manage this through a population so your death rate is lower in the longer term. What is making that strategy look more precarious than the death rate right now is the indicators that the R rate of this could be in excess of 5, meaning we would need over 80% immunity for this to be successful, where as it was just over 50% in the lower 2s. The Swedes may still be satisfied with their approach still though.


Do lads really not fully comprehend how infectious covid 19 is? Honestly.


What’s your point here?

Its pretty obvious.

Not all but you’re talking about an industry wide issue.

Ladybird it for me.

I was suggesting that restrictions may be eased (when the time is right) on a regional basis given that a majority of cases are in one tiny portion of the country

Any decision made by a Government ( like Sweden ) other than robust lockdown measures causing even 1 death is reprehensible.

I don’t think you can do regions in Ireland given how infectious it is and how much of the country feeds into it. Wouldn’t work.

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Nah pal.

Ah yeah, hence why I said I could see some reopening and others not.

The Government will want anything that reopen relatively safely to do so.


I was there once. It’s some country.

You can’t do that batigol imo it would lead to civil unrest.

True - Still might be some where for a bachelor to go for an hour tho… But dont know how it works unless you hire staff who are immune.

Alcohol is possibly the greatest evil in Ireland, we can do without Pubs lads.


Sure if you close the pubs in Dublin they’ll all go down to Wexford for pints

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Considering the emergency measures that are in place, there was an abnormally high number of ‘D’ reg cars passing through Oughterard earlier this morning.

Between the Dubs and refugees ye’ll be fucked