Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

May as well have the last can so?

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Iā€™m on my first and last of the night as I type.

He kept schtum after the meal, it was after the Grove corner cabinet fell down on the granny and smashed window incident that he sang like a Canary.

The fact he was released very early following the shot being fired outside Gibneys on the Sunday morning when The Vet was fighting is also questionable.

He also squeeled in Germany and ruined @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy sleep by getting woken up and an early release.

Not my first but definitely my last. Bit of school music and Iā€™ll be done. The Clash then bed

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So, hereā€™s a thought experiment for how you might start a global pandemic, and obviously not care about killing a load of your own people in the process.

You would start it in a city well away from the major centers like Beijing or Shanghai. You would let it build up to critical mass in that city. Even though you knew it was SARS like on January 1, you would deny that until January 21. You would then allow 5 million people leave that city during January, who knows how many infected, and also allow New Year celebrations go ahead were hundreds of millions traveled all over China and all over the world.

Thatā€™s actually exactly what happened, but the other and most likely explanation is that the provincial and local government in Wuhan and Hebei completely bungled the response and tried to hide it from central government. Central government took over in mid January, but didnā€™t lock down Wuhan until January 23. By then it was too late, it was all over China and in many other countries.

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Nobody truly knows how many died in Wuhan let alone the whole of China. The official numbers are 81,054 infected, 72,440 recovered, and 3,261 dead. The millions dead claim has no real evidence, other than 6 or 8 or 15 million less cell phone subscribers, but they may have lost their phones, canā€™t pay the bills, whatever.

For now Iā€™m going with the working hypothesis that China has beaten the virus, through a combination of effective draconian restrictions from end of January onward that are still in place in many areas, and some treatment cocktails that may be working.

Ya 3000 China men dead , pull the other one .

0.0002% of their population.

Low and behold, Australian cabinet meeting at 6.30pm this evening (Sunday). Widely expected theyā€™ll announce a shutdown of all non-essential services including schools, pubs etc.

I can read ScoMo like a book. And not a very good book. Certainly not ā€˜Bravo Two Zeroā€™ by Andy McNabb. Which actually improves with every read.

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Lots of calls and petitions online for WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom to resign. This is the absolute idiot who nominated Robert Mugabe in 2017 as ā€œWHO goodwill ambassadorā€. No, that is not a joke, that would be genocidal thug Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador.

The WHO have parroted the Chinese Communist Party line since this outbreak started, more worried about offending the CCP than taking an emerging pandemic seriously. All you need to know about the WHO is that the SAR-2 virus had spread all over the world by early February, and they finally declared a global pandemic on March 11. While praising China every step of the way for the wonderful job they are doing.


A little bit of bad news for you lads to wake up to. The caveat here is that no one knows with any certainty how this virus will evolve, it could get less virulent like the common cold, it could mutate and die off like SARS-1, the containment and mitigation efforts will vary by country, etc. The graph below is from the Imperial College COVID-19 team (the lads who convinced Boris to change tack). The conclusion is that the social isolation and other mitigation efforts will go on for at least another two months.

Regrettably I have to modify my date for Irish pubs reopening to end of May.

Donā€™t shoot the messenger.

Was that before or after he went on a rampage about Marty Morrissey?

I had a bottle and a glass of red on Friday as I started at 6pm.
I felt like I had coronavirus most of yesterday :grimacing:

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Do you think any western govt would have reacted quicker? I donā€™t.
Letā€™s not forget that Leo fucked off for his Paddyā€™s Day shindig as usual, despite actually having China as an example.

This is the real issue, if this thing finally dies down we then have to get ready for itā€™s inevitable return.
That thought alone will hinder elderly peopleā€™s movement in the twilight of their lives & who can blame them.

All my child & teenage life I longed to be older so I could legally drive, move out of home & get my independence & eventually my own family and home.
In the past 2 years I long to grow older, raise my family, pay my bills and potentially slow down and enjoy my latter years.

This virus & itā€™s implications for the mature population has alarmed me greatly. My poor Dad at home in isolation either now serving a prison like subsistence or if he uses his freedoms a certain death sentence.


Not the first time heā€™s gone after poor Marty Morrissey in a late night twitter rage.

Donā€™t criticise Leo around here. Youā€™re not allowed to. He is under shocking pressure .


Do you reckon Leo wasnā€™t taking precautions? Do you think he was wedged in a pub slobbering over midgets who whip animals around a track?

In hindsight I donā€™t agree it was right to go, but it is very much in the hapenny place all things told.

14 cases in a nursing home. God help them.
