Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Lads, medical conundrum:

I am friends with a nurse, by friends I mean sheā€™s an ex-gf. She is a very pretty girl with a great body. I know she still likes me. She texted me for the first time in a few months today. She has been off work and self-isolating with symptoms since Tuesday. Iā€™m fairly sure sheā€™s dying for the ride. How soon before I can safely and hygienically shag her?


Now, get it done. Worry bout tomorrow tomorrow

If we get out of this even in 4-6 weeks, the economy is not getting out of this unscathed. Itā€™s seen a savage hit already. Job losses in the last two weeks are more than the first 2 and a half years of the last crash last decade. Tourism is massively down and will continue to be down. The losses felt already will cause many businesses to just stabilize for the remainder of the year rather than expand, grow or reinvest. Banks are already pulling back of loans and mortgages.

I hope to fuck we do start coming right in a few weeks, but there will be a massive amount of long term economic issues regardless of when we get thru it. I donā€™t think anyone is really wanting to think much about the lasting effects after and just want normal life to resume and get thru this safely, but once we do, there is a huge amount of work to do to get things back right again. Hopefully by that time Sinn Fein will be in power and we can use their magic money tree to replenish our economy.

But they would have nobody to sell to.

Thereā€™s no evidence itā€™s a biological weapon, the genome is almost the same as SARS-1. It came from a bat originally and hopped to a (whatever its called, that scaled thing) and then to a human.

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Everywhere is fucked it will balance out global markets

May as well get it over with as many are saying.

Is this SF gone by the wayside. If the govt steer the ship through steady waters and get out the other side of this, thenā€¦
All the trendy young voters who gave their vote to SF wonā€™t know what to complain about thenā€¦

EasyJet chief getting some flack

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The fear of it reoccurring will last too.

Invite her for a cam session.

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I think you may be 100% correct

Iā€™d say straight away. Do not pass go. Do not collect Ā£200 and head straight to Croke Park for testing

Itā€™s killing on average about 1.5% of those it infects, not much of a biological weapon.

Is it a tool to make Chinas economy kick start once more.
Maybe itā€™s me but is there any malice involved by the chinese in how they did not react quick enough with the virus.
I really dont know anymore I just dont trust governments or main stream news my faith in them is long gone.
Iā€™m not tinfoil hat but I did call it as in it was released from a lab just very sceptical.

See if she can bring one of the helmets they are using in ICU
If not fuck it just give her the 1 2 uniflu

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Ewan Mackenna is making @anon78624367 look relaxed about this virus. Ewan is predicting a few million dead.

Yeah def. Was on a train to Dublin knowing the primary reason for heading up was cancelled but had other things sorted then and slowly but surely and suddenly altogether very quickly they were cancelled one after the other. You could tell no one was focusing on the Stayers hurdle. The Paddys day parade had been cancelled by then but the pubs were still flying so I donā€™t think the parade being cancelled truly registered but from leaving Ceannt Station to the the time we got to Houston the writing was very much on the wall, shit was getting very real. I remember thinking to myself if only theyā€™d listened to Uncle Esteban as I disembarked.

It was the afternoon after Leo had made his speech from Washington and there we were, gach duine sitting on a packed train and everyone practically eating the face off their devices kinda just looking at everyone else wondering wtf is actually going on, should we hug each other or kill each other. Something had changed, even the outright culchies werenā€™t long figuring out the Luas cards once we were off.

The virus had been with us for weeks by that point but this was the first time I could genuinely detect something in the air, and it was not Covid19, it was panic. You could see it, sense it you could fucking smell it and its only getting worse with each passing day.

Thursday March 12th 2020, a day that will live in infamy

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Ewan is likely right.

Iran :thinking::face_with_head_bandage::face_with_thermometer::face_vomiting::pray:


Coronavirus Cases:








Currently Infected Patients

11,419 ( 100 %)

in Mild Condition

0 ( 0 %)

Serious or Critical

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Feb 15Feb 18Feb 21Feb 24Feb 27Mar 01Mar 04Mar 07Mar 10Mar 13Mar 16Mar 19010k20k

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Cases which had an outcome:

7,635 ( 83 %)

Recovered / Discharged

1,556 ( 17 %)


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Feb 15Feb 18Feb 21Feb 24Feb 27Mar 01Mar 04Mar 07Mar 10Mar 13Mar 16Mar 190%50%100%

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Total Coronavirus Cases in Iran