Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

City centres will be unrecognisable. The amount of non franchise shops that will go to the wall is frightening. William Street had turned into all discount stores and bookies. The discount stores will find it hard to reopen. Iā€™d imagine some betting shops will never reopen as they were trying to scale down operations anyway

Who would take it on though mate - I know I sound overally negative, but I dont see it.

Same scenario in Cork and Waterford.

Isnt Marks and Spencer on the way?

On a shark theme, the really dangerous fuckers when youā€™re out and about are the people who creep up behind you, the ones you donā€™t see. I was getting the euro out of the trolley outside Dunnes at 9pm there and took a few moments to put my earphones in to listen to a podcast as I walked home with the shopping. As I was getting ready to start walking a cunt comes right up behind me, about an inch from my right hand shoulder, and brushes past me. There were about five or six yards of clear space where he could have gone.

A few minutes later Iā€™m walking up a street in an estate listening to my podcast with bags in hands and another cunt does exactly the same thing, brushes past me from behind.

Listening to earphones when youā€™re out and about is a dangerous, dangerous game.

Iā€™m actually getting really pissed off with people who are not distancing themselves from me when Iā€™m outside. If itā€™s a wide footpath and thereā€™s traffic passing, the least I expect is a clear effort to walk on the edge or against the wall. If thereā€™s no traffic, and if I donā€™t see you make an early effort to wwalk on the road, Iā€™m doing it, or Iā€™m crossing the road.

I was walking up by the hospital this afternoon coming back from Boots in town (essentials, you donā€™t want to know). I had to cross a road at the t-junction opposite the Sliding Rock but the footpath just beyond where you cross is narrow. There was traffic passing straight on on my side so you couldnā€™t go out on the road. I saw two power walkers approaching on the other side of the crossing. I decided the best thing to do was do go a few yards up the left turn and wait for the power walkers to continue on straight. The cunts didnā€™t go straight and instead came around the turn and made no effort to distance so I had to turn to put my face over the hospital wall, I could feel the disturbed air from the closeness of the near power walker. Cunts.


One of the lads you said would be getting 50% haircuts on property.

Money wont go away.

H&M M&S D&G S&M take your pick of bland international high street retail

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Thread here

William street was always a bit like that as we both know mate, main street department store across from dereliction aka the Opera centre for 10 years, is going to be hard to come back from though.

Itā€™s obviously an ongoing trend, I cant say I like it though.

Theyā€™ll be bankrupt by the time they get around to it. But it would actually be a good location for them. A huge unit. I donā€™t know whoā€™ll take it

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Retail is finished mate. Amazon and that ilk have it sown up.

This bit of flu has just progressed things.

A city and county holds its breath.

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Is anybody bothering with the daily conferences any more? They had the financial modelling professor from Maynooth University in today, yer man who has the team of 50 mathematicians working with him on the model.

He produced a graph and said that this is what it would have looked like now if we hadnā€™t closed the schools and this is what it would have looked like now if we hadnā€™t implemented the other measures.

So the questions came then and he was askedā€¦but where do you see the numbers over the next few weeks and what way is the curve likely to develop? He replied that he couldnā€™t really say as they need to see how the latest measures bed down for another while.


Are these lads reviewers of historical data or model makers or what?

They wont pay the rates - itā€™s a huge building.

Iā€™d say that Debenhams were operating at a loss their for years to be honest.

You walked right past my house and didnā€™t say hello. Cunt

You probably gave me COVID-19.

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Money goes elsewhere - the Crescent shopping centre is the largest outside Dublin sure.

If Limerick corpo wants the unit filled badly enough they will find a suitable rate.

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