Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Tourism will be a bit like that scene in jaws where the mayor wants everyone back in the water. Staycations will be the main driver for the next 12 to 24 months before lads even think international travel.


Not a hope of it @anon78624367

Will be plenty people with money in Ireland at the end of this too. Staycations will be fucking booming

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Life in general is a bit like that now.


Hopefully Kilkee is avoided after those vile postcards today.

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That’s lovely.
But they’ve only had 1 death from 1200 confirmed cases. That’s some going and shows once you keep it well away from old people like they have it’s not at all as serious as the hysteria is making out.

Quite sobering to think Ireland has a higher date rate than the US. I would have never have thought that.

US is a big place and most of it is grand.

Now you’re talking. If hospitality gets a break on VAT and rates abolished for 2020, it will be in position to rise again and actually really take advantage of the world corona leaves in it’s wake. Ireland could be espicially well positioned if we play our cards right, who the fuck will be visiting Italu, Spain or UK next couple of years

I’m going straight down to Dingle for a fortnight

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The boom will have never went away.

Offaly qualified for and won their first hurling all ireland in 1981. 3 years later in 1984 they again qualified. There was an interview with some lad from the county board in which he stated that “-people are forgetting that Offaly have a 100% record in All Irelands”

Yep. Airports should cut their charges as well and get Ryanair landing into kerry and shannon from all over Europe

Have the big employers in Limerick kept workers on? The likes of Regeneron etc

There was something similar for Down v Kerry in football championship matches too wasnt there. I’m not sure you can dress down those stats too much though. It is what it is.

The majority have alright, mate.

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All the pharma companies are going full pelt. Regeneron are working on a vaccine AFAIK

Fear for the city centre though. Debenhams which was a shithole tbf, is still a huge loss.

Was a great spot back in the day when Roches had it.

Hopefully Penny’s take the whole block or something. Debenhams was a kip of a place anyway

It will be replaced and forgotten about by Christmas