Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

John Crown very uncomplimentary of Ireland’s testing regime on #tpfkamarian.

Says we need to be doing at least 5k-10k tests a day and the results for those tested are coming back far too slowly.

Probably a lot of time wasters and hypochondriacs in that 40,000 sadly.

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Assuming 10-20% of those to be tested are positive (which would be a big jump on current figure of circa 5%) then actual case numbers in Ireland are at about 8-10k. If 20% need hospitalisation then we’re pretty much at hospital capacity already.

Earthquake in Croatia. Off all the times


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These figures give us an outside chance. 29 in ICU with 785 cases.

29 / 785 = 3.69%

If we did really really well in slowing the outbreak and the peak of the curve was 10,000 infected, the 10,000 * 3.69% = 369 patients in ICU at peak.

We’re already have 173 vacant ICU beds. In the Irish Times this morning they’re talking about doubling that. If they doubled the ICU beds like they’re talking about and peak of the curve stays below 10,000 confirmed cases then we might be there or there abouts for survival.

However I would presume that a lot of the already confirmed cases will grow more severe in their symptoms and that the 3.69% will grow, which will be a big problem

That’s remarkably insightful of him. No one has pointed that out at all yet so I’m glad to hear Prof Crown bringing it to the attention of the nation.

As far as I can see, capacity is being ramped as quickly as possible. Capacity needs to come in terms of triage for testing, actual swabbing and then running the tests themselves. It would seem that the HSE are trying as rapidly as possible to do this as can be seen by the efforts to increase swabbing capacity at Croke park, new site Tullamore etc but also at the back end in terms of running the tests.

Enfer in Kildare (remember them from Tipp jerseys) are coming online to process up to 15k tests a day I understand with multiple other organisations with the capability to run these DNA type tests looking to assist too.

Apparently the HSE has a backlog of 40k tests. Current positive numbers way out

Please stop having sex. For the sake of humanity

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There is on average a three week lag between new cases and critical cases which require ICU occupancy and I’m taking that assertion from Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch. Our first case wasn’t until February 29th.

Russia was the very first country to close its borders to China and implement a travel ban. You’d swear they knew something


The problem is Russia works on the basis of telling its people nothing.

And the mask slips again, it’s all about Leo’s sexuality and sexual preferences with you isn’t it.


You are getting to the root of the problem there. The Leo haters on here are all homophobes and racists.


What reports exactly?

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An eyewitness report from a caller to #tpfkamarian a few minutes ago was one - Malahide is thronged and people are not distancing.

But sure whistle away there in the wind.

I was marginally tongue in cheek there, I don’t believe @binkybarnes is that, he’s a decent sort. We’ll move on.

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Absolutely not. I campaigned for gay rights when Leo was still pretending to be straight.

I fistpunched harder than anyone when Donal og made his ‘last remnants of British culture’ comments that time

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