Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Disappointing to see Leo using the crisis as a political football, but not surprising. Backs up the assertion his speeches have been little more than posturing and selfserving. @TheUlteriorMotive @tallback


The Howth road, bull island and St Anneā€™s park rammed with cars, cyclists and people out walking. People phoning in the social distancing. If the weather goes up a few degrees and stays sunny we are truly fucked.


Matt le Tissier has changed his tune :joy:

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Cycling shouldnā€™t really be a problem but why are these fuckwads all meeting up in groups and then heading off for a cycle in groups.

Selfish arseholes.


Its only a holiday for some people

Heading out for a spin must check out the prom. Beautiful day here. i fear the worst if the weather turns good, itā€™s been nothing but storms and rain rain rain all year and now with a hint of sunshine people are being asked to stay inside. Most will still listen but the nature of this is all it takes is a few idiots

So I Plan to take my kids on a nature trail now. This is ok I assume?

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Make sure you and your kids stay SEGREGATED from anybody else about.


What a great gesture. Putin and Leo have been setting standard for world leaders ever since this thing started


Yes but if any other family so much as looks at you sideways shoot them

Just back from a run and I was more encouraged by social distancing compliance than Friday in Dublin 3, 5 and 9.


Long run

We want to respond to the virus pandemic with the universality of prayer, compassion and tenderness. Let us stay united. I invite all Christians to direct their voices together toward Heaven, reciting the Our Father on Wednesday, 25 March, at noon. #PrayTogether - Pope Francis

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Putin doesnā€™t give one fuck about Italy. Putin looks at Italy and sees an opportunity to manipulate public opinion to further split the EU, thatā€™s what he sees.

Meanwhile heā€™s lying through his teeth at home. Then again heā€™s never had any compunction about murdering his own people for personal gain.

What has he said?

He was interviewed outside st Maryā€™s talking about how serious it is and how football is irrelevant and we all need to change our tune etc etc.

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Putin is a great world leader

Thats hardly the point thoigh is it. He is actively helping and saving lives. Italy needs all the help it can get right now

Forecast is decent for the week. We had 6 weeks of near constant rain and storms that kept everyone indoors and as soon as a pandemic arrives the sun comes out.

Galway City Council has painted stencils along the Prom to make sure you but social distancing into practice. 2 metres is more than most people imagine. If the Pr9m is too crowded, go to Silverstrand, Ballyloughane, Barna/Merlin woods, or somewhere further afield.

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