Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Sensible. There seemed to a fair number heading along the ring road for lahinch also.

Best of luck chief

This crisis will highlight a lot of the fuckbrains amongst us.

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They’ll just park further out unfortunately.

It will be some discouragement

No, pay no attention to the dates on the bottom of the graph, the modelling was done when it was unknown when the epidemic would start in the UK.

I did pay attention to the dates mate. It’s why I asked the question as it didn’t make sense

Poznań and Radom kid

Ah right, sound. Stay well

Went out for a bit of a drive there. Plenty of people out walking in Howth. Largely in groups of three and four so I’d assume families who are in close contact anyway. Queues outside the ice cream shop and Beshoffs and no idea about distancing. People on top of each other. Bad dose to get for the sake of cod and chip or a pistachio ice cream.

Headed back towards Portmarnock but the traffic was wedged so I gave up at the roundabout and orientated back towards the peninsula. Stopped off at SuperValu which wasn’t busy so I popped in and bought a chicken for the dinner.

Cycling in groups doesn’t appear to be effected by the virus. Cycling must give you immunity


In my (genuinely humble) opinion most of the walking around in the open air is fine if its people who already live together staying in groups and not stopping to interact with others. It’s only teens and early 20s people I see doing otherwise.
Maybe this is wrong though? Tony hooly seemed to say families can still go out for walks. Maybe the advice needs to be clearer

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I was out walking earlier up Ticknock. Few family groups of parents and kids around but people stood back well out of the way to let people past. It does seem to be taken seriously by 90 per cent of people I have seen.

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Did you find any bodies?

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It isn’t just the UK, you can apply the graph to any country, just adjust the number of ICU beds required based on population.

The Imperial College COVID-19 team did not advise on the “herd immunity” approach, that was Whitty and Vallance taking the advice of a few “experts” in the UK. The IC COVID-19 team were commissioned by the UK government to model the outbreak, and issued their report to the UK government on March 12, it was made public on March 16. It was the report that drove the much more aggressive response in the UK, the US and most western countries.

When the Imperial College did their study they had no idea when the numbers would take off, just that they would take off.

Not much social distancing in Limk. Loads of people outside , including me in the car.
Next step will be stay at home/lockdown. The only way.
Too many out in cars as well, including me.

No. More importantly, nobody else did either.

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Give them all full marks. Oisin will lose his shit.


I think that’s a promising update anyway sounds like things will be back to normal in 4-6 weeks.