Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

We shut down the day they came back.
Hopefully that offsets any negative impact of it

March 12th: 70 (+27)
March 13th: 90 (+20)
March 14th: 129 (+39)
March 15th: 169 (+40)
March 16th: 223 (+54)
March 17th: 292 (+69)
March 18th: 366 (+74)
March 19th: 557 (+191)
March 20th: 683 (+126)
March 21st: 785 (+102)
March 22nd: 906 (+121)

Remarkable how many hypochondriacs there is in the country? Why aren’t we just testing everyone who had contact with a victim

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Surely they were screened.

If you’ve cunts feigning symptoms to get a test they should be jailed

I could be a hypochondriac myself by next week. Though herself is developing symptoms the same as mine as of yesterday.

Are you still sick?

What was the screening process pre test? I hope you and the yong wan are ok mate

Could you add % rise too?

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They want to open a creche for a few hours !:joy: just for frontline workers . Some wan on the news said shes nobody to look after the child next week . Where is the childs cunting father . Sure we might aswel open the pubs and keep social distancing.

I will later on. Just having a cup of tea and an Easter egg now :innocent:

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We’ll be fine if we can keep those numbers .

What if he’s on the frontline too?

Lads, it’s not bad news but it’s certainly not good news either. Keep driving it on

Or he could be dead.

March 12th: 70 (+27) 39%
March 13th: 90 (+20) 22%
March 14th: 129 (+39) 30%
March 15th: 169 (+40) 24%
March 16th: 223 (+54) 24%
March 17th: 292 (+69) 24%
March 18th: 366 (+74) 20%
March 19th: 557 (+191) 34%
March 20th: 683 (+126) 18%
March 21st: 785 (+102) 13%
March 22nd: 906 (+121) 13%



Could have died because he went to Cheltenham like a selfish cunt ? :woman_shrugging:

What it the % about ?

Leo Leo Leo Leo

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We seem to be going well but I’m expecting a spike when the high tests start coming back