Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

In the middle of lent :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: no wonder weā€™ve been sent a plague


percentage daily growth

Iā€™m currently watching the 2013 County Final :sweat_smile:

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Please update this every day



It hasnā€™t gotten worse. I still have the burning in the lungs and shortness of breath. The friend of ours who has been sent to Work in a test centre says a lot of people are presenting there with the same symptoms as we have. She obviously doesnā€™t know whether they have tested positive for the corona virus or not. She also said that as of today they are no longer going through symptom questionaires which essentially duplicated the information that the you would have given over the phone to the GP.
Her testing slot times have dropped from 15 mins each to 5mins. This girl also said they are training up Physios and the like to do the testing with the nurses being transitioned to other roles like isolation wards.

Early doors but we are doing well.

Iā€™d did a very rough unscientific calc earlier and I reckon if we can keep it below 400 hundred a day, the health system will creek and groan but should just about manage


Sensible. No point asking someone questions if youā€™ve gotten that far. You either have it or you donā€™t at that stage

But sure isnā€™t there a 29 in intensive care up from 13 ? Thatā€™s the one to be watching , sure if 10000 kids got it it wouldnt matter a fuck to them , chances are the frontline staff will get it now . The crisis has yet to hit .

The % increase should be the new cases divided by the prior dayā€™s total.


Fire up your unscientific calculation there.


Still below 30% by a bit tho.

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Iā€™ve been praying non stop the last few days. I advise others to do likewise.


Weā€™re doing well lads. We have this cunt on the ropes. Drive it home now

The 191 on Thursday was a scary number. The guidance on case increases is 30%. 30% 3 days in a row from there would have been roughly 240, 320, 410. Something like that. So the last 3 days numbers have been very positive.


If you do a trend line, the % increase seems to be coming down. This is good news and completely in line with the experience in countries where this hit first. The number of infections should follow a bell curve, Ireland may not be at the peak yet, but if the % increase goes down to 10% thatā€™s the best indicator the peak has been passed.


Where we at now, are we seeing Thursdayā€™s test results now?

Hopefully not. Youā€™re encouraging him to post a video of him pulling something out of his hole.

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Come on Ireland!!!
Letā€™s fucking do this

Yes, the trend is encouraging.

The thing with the testing is the flu and bad colds are far more common than COVID-19, so most of those that show up for testing have the flu or a bad cold. People who are sick should just stay at home, and their family members who live with them or have had contact with them stay at home. As in no going out in public.