Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


Jeremy is a cunt


It’s strange, given the sheer volume of Chinese in this country. We’re not too far from Ireland’s numbers.

@TreatyStones restrictions have been relatively lax. Pubs and restaurants are only closing today. The federal government have told us that schools will remain open, while the state premier’s said last night “Fuck that, do not send your kids to school on Monday morning”. We’ve also let 3,000 people get off an infected cruise ship in Sydney harbour last Thursday and go about their business. It’s either a miracle, or someone has messed up a formula on whatever spreadsheet is logging all this.

Clearly Judas

I’d have said James or John.

Ewan is a fucking weirdo. He’s become so predictable.

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Not island nations

UK then

The podcast should be interesting

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Who knows what the fuck the UK is supposed to be nowadays

He’s giving advice on working from home now. Apparently he’s a bit of a gym monkey. Funny his best friend Miguel is an absolute shit journalist and he’s attacking poor Marty Morrissey day and night.

Will it? I’ve lost all respect for him.

The problem with Ewan is nobody takes him seriously anymore.

He may have been ahead of the curve on this but nobody was going to pull out of going to Cheltenham on Ewan’s advice.

If a few senior journalists had of taken a similar line then behaviour might have changed.

The Aussies commitment to informal and/or formal racism, geographical segregation of rich and poor and general intolerance of any form of diversity may finally stand them in good stead.

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Ah here.

He had a right cut at Marty yesterday. Twice in fact. Marty is a harmless old buffoon in fairness. Nobody expects cutting edge journalism from him. Things are grim enough as it is without Ewan’s scaldyness to endure on top.


The sheer bitterness is hilarious

Marty is far from a buffoon.

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I don’t understand why lads follow him at this stage when he irks them so much.

No but he’s not a serious journalist either like Ewan seems to think he should be. And in fairness to Marty I doubt he would claim to be one himself.