Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Just spotted that. Curious stuff.

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prob the car parks where it got outta hand

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Fortunately I purchased a coffee machine at Christmas and my taste has adjusted nicely to Bewleys Columbian blend. Although given the WFH situation for the foreseeable I may be scuppered by a supply issue at some point.

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The trekkers and dog-walkers need to find more niche hills. The more obscure the better.

Similar here, I was out in the remote peaks on the bike this morning. Never saw more than two or three cars parked up before. Like Tesco’s today.

This is a sobering thought!!

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Don’t post that cunt up here ever again.


How long can a full lockdown be sustained?


A basic maths failure on your part there.

About this long is my guess
The third fissure may yet be the worst. “It’s the intergenerational question. It is unsustainable to have people in their youth put their whole life on hold for months while the economy tanks to save a 91-year-old who would have died six months later anyway.”

Id say there is no chance of us going into full lock down being honest

Poor @NJ_Cat and @NJ_Other_Cat.

Ewan and paddy cosgrave have formed an unlikely union

Two cunts? Sound very likely.

I don’t consider myself a biker, just a lad who commutes on a motorbike. Anyone who uses one for pleasure trios is a weirdo.

As of yesterday, 127k tests here with 1,286 confirmed cases.

99% of tests showing negative results.

I don’t know is that good or bad. Are the right people getting tested?

Many deaths?
What are restrictions like?

7 according to worldometer.

None of this makes any fucking sense whatsoever. What’s happened in italy, france and spain?