Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Why would anyone take Ewan seriously? He just takes the opposite position to whatever the consensus is constantly


Ewan has form for this. Googles like mad and pulls up all sorts of ‘facts’ whether verified or not to push his contrarian view.

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Ewan is like Sidney. He’s hoping this is much worse than it’s probably going to be so he’ll be proven correct.

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He was right about Dublin football in fairness, other than that can’t remember anything relevant he’s ever had to say


Stuff like this that he took down

If thats legit it should be on every front page over there for a week

Ewan truly lost it the time he claimed shane Lowry was a fascist

If only the CPI were in charge we’d be grand.


In other news we have a cruise ship from Europe, due to refuel in Fremantle (WA), currently being denied entry to dock by the state gov. They only have 250 people on board suffering from some form of respiratory illness…hmmmmmm.

The worst thing to happen was how right he was about dublin football. He’s like the midfielder who kicks a score off his weaker foot 5 minutes into a game and then spends the next 55 minutes trying to replicate it.



Turning boats away has been our SOP for a good while now.

Send it up Davy Jones locker

Did you only start counting? Please present the data properly, as in daily gain compared to prior days total. You are probably starting your exponential growth phase, so buckle up.

We had been tracking around the 15-20% daily increase rate, before today’s bombshell (49% increase in confirmed cases).

That’s not a bombshell, that’s the start of the exponential growth phase. What measures are being taken to slow it? The danger is you will develop a hot spot like New York and the shit will hit the fan. Everyone should be off the streets and at home in Sydney and in Melbourne.

Leave it out there for forty days. That’s where the word quarantine comes from.

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Shay on RTE One just played “Ireland’s Call” to lift the people. Followed by “Bat Out of Hell”.


I spoke to an old friend living in Valencia. You read the stories but until you hear the despair laid out starkly it doesn’t even cover it. They’re fucked. We will be too unless we start to come down hard on those not obeying the stay at hone messages