Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

How much is Marty paid? I bet it’s an awful lot of money

Southern Europe is being decimated, it’s an absolute war zone. What the fuck happened that we are watching the destruction of whole cultures in the most historic parts of Europe?

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39 new cases in China. 9 new deaths.

The start of a second wave?


Hong Kong also spiking.

Shows you can’t stop it locally.

These are returning Chinese

So it’s going round in circles?

The greatest denial going on is we can stop transmission.

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Who’s that gobshite

Eerie going to work this morning. Hardly any cars. Just lorries

Listen to the Chinese.

Was he on the party bus for paddy’s day?

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As long as the lorries are going, there’s food.


Ze Germans doing a ruthlessly efficient job as could be expected. Over 22,700 cases 86 deaths. Mortality rate of around 0.4%

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This needs to be a communal effort lads. Forget about how you feel about Leo or politics in general.
We need a unified approach,the lads we have in charge are there until the next election.
Cop on to the realities,. and do your bit.


Ze Germans are winning.
So far.

You’d fancy them if it goes to penalties