Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Somebody bump the ā€œTackles we love to seeā€ thread. Ooooft.

Itā€™s the nonchalant rubbing of his hands as he gets up thatā€™s the icing on the cake.


Very sorry for your trouble Dubhub

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Sorry to hear that @Dubhub

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Really sorry to hear that @Dubhub

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Sorry for your troubles.

Sorry for your loss @Dubhub.

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462 new coronavirus deaths in Spain

I was chatting to Joe on the Wednesday. We didnā€™t mention Covid-19.

When are we going to get an extension to the 30th of March deadline?

Tomorrow evening I reckon.
Harris mentioning new powers to be passed tomorrow.
Iā€™d say they will put through a fairly comprehensive suite of powers and then officially extend beyond the end of March along with increased restrictions.


Harris said that they were pleased to find that when they get a positive test that the the personā€˜S contacts are very limited so people are taking the social distancing and isolating seriously. No room for complacency but he said that if people wanted to hear some hopeful news that was one piece.

Hopefully, I canā€™t understand why they are fucking about over this.


I donā€™t think itā€™s been mentioned on here but Ewan MacKenna is knocking it out of the park on the subject of the Coronavirus.

I think Ewan getting it so hilariously wrong about Dublin GAA has blinded people to how right he gets it on most other subjects but his commentary on this subject has been top notch.


Ewan is talking about liver disease in 6 months as a result of the corona virus


Fucking about over what?

There is this demand to go into full lockdown but itā€™s OTT and panicked. We will not be able to sustain a total lockdown, for control, economic and mental health purposes. If we need one, it should be when health officials believe our ICUs are going to become overburdened. This is a good thread;

For the record, I do think that ice cream vans and other food trucks need to be banned from public areas, more assertive ā€œpolicingā€ of larger areas and maybe even closing car parks beside large amenities at certain hours, but by and large people are adhering to the rules.

There were lads in here afraid to go for walks, you can go for walks ffs.


Theyā€™ve been too slow on everything, not as slow as some other EU countries but thatā€™s nothing to crow about.

Thereā€™s no need and no point in escalating things until the cases go up.
Everyone needs to chill out. Thereā€™ll be a time for panic, but we arenā€™t there yet.


The reason for the near total lockdowns in those regions was because things had spiralled out of control and they had largely missed the steps we have taken in the last few weeks.

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Even Paddy is optimistic today

leptokurtic curve