Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

No time for complacency but the mood music seems broadly positive the last two days from H and H

As long as we proceed with current measures we are inevitably prolonging the pain to the economy imo.

If we make a tough but stringent lockdown then we have then given our Health Service the best possible chance. We are giving our elderly population the best possible chance.

The Economy will only bounce back once we rid this virus.

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Eh we canā€™t get rid of the virus mate. We can only slow it. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s no point in locking down.


Sincere sympathies to you and family

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In your opinion. Iā€™ll take the public health peopleā€™s word for it.

The reality is that this will not just go away. ā€œProlongingā€ this isnā€™t the issue, itā€™s avoiding the hospitals being overran.

Thatā€™s premature to say. Ireland reacted too late to lots of things.

The mental fatigue of being locked down is real ā€¦ thereā€™s a fine line. At the moment we can manage with the numbers presentingā€¦ when they spike weā€™ll have to rethink. You might only get one shot at a proper lockdown.

Lads treating this like a sports team they support. They almost want the government to fuck it up to win on the INTERNET.


Name names or fuck off.

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I didnā€™t say that we wouldnā€™t end up in the same situation.

Iā€™m just saying why we arenā€™t at that stageā€¦bearing in mind we already have made significant moves and ahead of a lot of other Western countries.


Imo a short term full lockdown gives the best possible chance of making that happen.

With good warning and we still acted too late.

Iā€™ll take this fella

Look, Iā€™ll be happy if they work. But, if it fails it will be too late closing the barn door when the horses have already fled.

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Some lads have lost it during this crisis. Utterly lost it.

I hope thatā€™s not true. I really hope so.

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The fear is that by the time it comes to calling a lockdown then itā€™s too late.

Still seeing pictures of packed Tubes in London this morning.


All those people are going to die.
Maybe not them but their grandparents. Or maybe not their grandparents but their grandparentsā€™ friends.

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