Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I couldnā€™t care less what Paddy thinks about this, Paddy needs to do what he is told

C4 News is where itā€™s at. 3 minutes away from this eveningā€™s box office edition.

I thought we said earlier on today that we expected about a doubling if new cases today because of increased testing and a higher percentage being positive? As in,this figure is about exactly what we were expecting?

There are going to be dangerous levels of anger around after this and very little understanding

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Mob justice has a time and place.

Now is the time.


It should have quadrupled. The only explanation is that the virus isnā€™t as widespread as other places or cunts that donā€™t have it are eating up testing capacity

Fuck , you hear which one ?

The numbers are a bit meaningless as we go through the ramp up in testing, as we arenā€™t comparing like with like.
Itā€™s the number of people in ICUā€™s that weā€™ve to watch like a hawk. I think it went up by 6 overnight. We could handle it at that level, but not a lot more. If it starts going up by more than ten a day weā€™ll need to move to the next phase of lockdown Iā€™d say.
Hopefully weā€™ll start getting through these tests faster to cut waiting lists and then we can see over the next couple of weeks or so if the measures so far have been effective enough

I can swing a sack of door knobs




Sorry to hear of your loss @Dubhub

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Joe is getting it in the neck big time :joy:

Far too much stock being placed in one dayā€™s results as both positive and negative indications. We will always have swings but broadly following expected trends it seems - not that thatā€™s good news at all.

Wonder if those numbers, the deaths without underlying conditions and the general public disquiet will be the formula they need to introduce a lockdown after the meeting tomorrow.


40k waiting for tests is 40k in isolation (hopefully)

That waiting list is probably growing by the day. Given that there is a 5 day minimum waiting time for tests and results and the virus could be asymptomatic for up to 14 days itā€™s very hard to know where we are.

Was there deaths without underlying conditions?

Two they said

France are testing 5,000 a day. Germany testing 10,000 a day. We do seem to be testing a lot per Capita and it is ramping up.

You just know large chunks of that 40k are not in complete self-isolation. Out for the odd wander while simultaneously moaning about the delay in testing and delinquent youths etc etc


Itā€™s the wait time is the cunt. An almost week lag.

I said it on a WhatsApp group from home, no news. But one of their fathers was moved to Strathmore only recently. Sheā€™s freaking out now. Damn you INTERNET!!