Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


If its killing all ages and healthy people then the messaging that most will get a mild illness needs to be sharpened up, fucking pronto.

Work Con call tomorrow called for 3.30pm. This could be it

It may or may not be true (I doubt it if neither of ye have heard it and Iā€™d imagine I would have heard it myself by now as well) but lads should at least reveal their source if they are going to break news like that, true or not

Itā€™s not killing many younger and healthy people worldwide, so I donā€™t know why it would pick Ireland. The younger people getting very sick are recovering, any going to ICU or dying likely have some (maybe undiagnosed) underlying condition. The cytokine storm is very severe in some people, it depends on how active their immune system is.

That would be the more likely, only that if there was such an event in Mount Carmel itā€™d be blatantly obvious.
Same story could be floating in every town in Leinster - The vagueness of the reporting causes more panic and speculation than just coming out with decisive & factual info.

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The number of cases and deaths is as of 12 noon on the day.

The statistics around ICU, case per county etc are 48 hours behind.

Is that information central anywhere besides fergal whatshisnames tweets.

Not that I know of. Theyā€™ve only started producing those tabulated sheets since late last week.

That sounds familiarā€¦

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Seems to be updated daily since last week.

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Thank you.

Is 45% of cases being community transmission not a really bad sign, especially given the measures that weā€™ve put in place? Or would the majority of those have been before the schools and pubs shut?

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Yeah, itā€™s a worry.

But with the testing lag and delay in being symptomatic itā€™s very hard know anything.

Hopefully itā€™s not bad if they are testing people who have been contact traced to known cases and they are showing negative.

You can look at one aspect of this data and think weā€™ve the cunt going backwards and then another pops up that contradicts that.

Slip ons mate, game changer


Maybe Iā€™m dreaming but Iā€™d wonder aloud if all these vaping e cigarettes that younger people are constantly pulling out of is a big issue respiratory wise? Also, plain old cigarettes but youā€™d hope the a lot of people are kicking that habit over here.

RTE are contributing to the panic IMHO.

The story yesterday was that they were mostly household which is a good sign and those that werenā€™t household were mostly from before the schools closed.

The travel reason will fall away anyway so itā€™s about how those other transmissions occur really I guess.

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It could be a factor, vapes are by no means safe.

I very much agree. They are very sensationalist

Was this posted - should be beaten stupid