Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Ciara Doherty on fire here, Micheal McGrath struggling badly to maintain his nice guy shtick

Just switched on. Ciaraā€™s hair has gone grey in this lockdown. Hairdressers need to be opened ASAP.

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Political eye candy Holly Cairns coming up after the break.

Twitter seems to be very cross today. Expect a FG pivot to distancing themselves from the Governmentā€™s decisions again in the next few days

I believe she is with child. That can effect ladies more than any lockdown ever could. I also think Donnelly is toast based on that interview

Hospitality sector seething with Martin and Varadkar having a laugh about who will answer the question on when their industry will reopen. Not a laughing matter, they say.

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Nice & cosy in your head it appearsā€¦


She usually has it hanging demurely over the eyes. I assume sheā€™s going for the exasperated mother of 3 look to show how disappointed she is with the lack of hope and dates in the plan.

Is she blocked again?

Whether they have confidence in Donnelly or not is now a stock question to other ministers when they appear on things like this. Like theyā€™re hardly going to say they think heā€™s useless and a dickhead, even though that is the view inside and outside government apparently.

Whatā€™s this shit they are saying now about variant in California that canā€™t be stopped ā€¦fcuk sakeā€¦

Is Michael Martin actually a genius? Heā€™s surrounded himself with absolutely inept FFers so it looks like there is no alternative to him in the party

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Stainesy on here saying itā€™s a positive that the current lockdown has been extended but itā€™s a negative that they didnā€™t confirm it would last a good bit longer.

Its mad how many people display no critical thinking when the single question of ā€œWhat about Northern Ireland?ā€ completely defeats any argument about Zero Covid

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Maybe we under estimated Simon Harris all along. What if he was the gold standard for Irish Ministers of Health!

Were the contents of todayā€™s Gript article put to Tomas Ryan ? Or was he given a free platform again?

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Whatā€™s the latest Donnelly gaffe? Havenā€™t been following much lately and the vaccine plan seems to be decent with our supply

The variant in California less dangerous than the one from Britain

Neither study has yet been published in a scientific journal. And experts donā€™t know how much of a public health threat this variant poses compared with others that are also spreading in California.

A variant called B.1.1.7 arrived in the United States from Britain, where it swiftly became the dominant form of the virus and overloaded hospitals there. Studies of British medical records suggest that B.1.1.7 is not only more transmissible, but more lethal than earlier variants.

Some experts said the new variant in California was concerning, but unlikely to create as much of a burden as B.1.1.7.

ā€œIā€™m increasingly convinced that this one is transmitting more than others locally,ā€ said William Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health who was not involved in the research. ā€œBut thereā€™s not evidence to suggest that itā€™s in the same ballpark as B.1.1.7.ā€


What sci-fi ideas had this time?

He showed his punchable face in public and everyone just wanted to punch him