Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I won’t listen to RTE

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Gerry just can’t understand why the Irish won’t listen to him. He’s lived through 4 pandemics and defeated 2 of them, according to himself.


Much better than your Borris man

He did. A very progressive man.

There’s the small matter of the prison sentence, a day in court, and being put back into quarantine

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I was told it can cost 7 grand in total, between fines and the cost of it

How so?

Leave. Don’t be found til ten days later, pay the fine, sorry about that your honour etc. Never going to be sent to prison for it.

I think there’s a fine for not booking, the cost of it and then the fine for “escaping”

It’s a farcical measure that will make no difference

Anyone have this article?

I’d imagine you’d have to pay the costs as well as the fine

I’ll have to check on that.

It is indeed a farcical measure.

We are the only European country doing this. When you look around and see that you are entirely on your own you should realise you are doing something wrong.

I see you have to pre-book and pre-pay.

Presumably you can’t travel if you haven’t booked.

However, wouldn’t the much easier solution be that you can’t travel unless you have a negative test? That’s what other countries do. You can test again on arrival if necessary.

This is from a month ago, not sure if it’s still in place. Are we the only ones currently doing it?

And the criminal record.

Didn’t realise the Brits were doing it. No European country are. We’re now taking our lead on how to manage this from the UK. Great idea.

It’s an offence to go outside 5k of your home but not to steal vacvines

For me the problem with the quarantine is that they rushed into it.

If they’d taken their time and teased it out a bit it wouldn’t be as much of a farce.

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Wouldn’t the island status of here and the UK be a an obvious driver of this?

I don’t know what the driver is. Locking up people who have tested negative is pointless and shameful in my view. Especially when anyone in the country can test positive and carry on about their day of they so choose.

Some EU countries have mandatory quarantine for people that test positive on arrival. That makes sense. Our system is ridiculous.


If you’ve hung your hat on fear of variants being the key driver of policy you are obliged to give the appearance of trying to stop them getting in.

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