Coronavirus - Here come the variants

26 weeks paid is the legal requirement. Maybe you have insight into the teachers contracts

Sweep sweep. The data doesn’t really matter to these lads unless it suits their narrative

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39 weeks maternity leave up north AFAIK.

I’ve never been pregnant so I can’t say for sure.

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Same as a lot of things you proclaim to be an expert on

If age trumps everything it makes shit of all the restrictions too as why are 20 year olds being stopped from sport training etc.

Your only expertise is disasters.

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26 weeks paid and 16 weeks unpaid
But annual leave accrues so usually can get another 4 weeks paid


Teachers salaries are for 9 months work, but paid over the course of 12 months to assist with financial security, is my understanding.


I did a great benchmark on teachers salaries.

They are unbelievably well paid.

Tis well earned. 30 kids :face_vomiting:

377 positive swabs, 2.7% positivity on 13,946 tests.
7 day test positivity is 3.1%.

354 positive swabs, 2.96% positivity on 11,954 tests.
7 day test positivity is 3.1%.

396 positive swabs, 2.86% positivity on 13,864 tests.
7 day test positivity is 3.1%.

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They probably just chalk off 5000 negative tests to keep the numbers up.

These are good numbers. They’ll start going up again a week after school’s reopen and that cunt Nolan will blame play dates again.


Happy to help. You either misunderstood the doctor or he should be struck off the registry.

None of the vaccines infect people with the SARS-2 virus, as none of them contain the virus. They do however produce a protein in your cells which your immune system should react to and result in immunity to Covid. That’s the way it works for the great majority of people, but there are rare instances where people have an adverse reaction to the vaccine (the AZ blood clots etc). The same people would likely have a far worse reaction to the virus.

As to getting vaccinated or not on a personal level, it really comes down to whether you think you have greater risk from the virus or the vaccine, and for the overwhelming number of people the risk from the virus is far greater than the risk from the vaccine, even though risks from both are very low for younger healthy people. There is also of course the issue of protecting others by having immunity.

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The process in which deaths are registered is at the consultation phase of being changed. Consultation ends today after being open since the middle of February.

The proposed new process would be:

  • Notification stage: This will be a new requirement whereby the registered medical practitioner who pronounces death will report it electronically to the HSE within 24 hours of the date of death.
  • Medical certification of cause of death (MCCD) stage: It is proposed that the MCCD should be sent electronically to the HSE within five calendar days of the date of death with provisions for extensions where the MCCD cannot be completed due to the need to determine the cause of death or where there is a referral to a Coroner.
  • Registration stage: This will be completed by relatives of the deceased, or other qualified informant in the absence of a relative. It is proposed that registration should be done within five working days of receipt by the relative of the Medical certification of cause of death from a medical practitioner. The current timeframe whereby a death must be registered is three months after the date of death.

This would ensure that deaths are notified in a prompt manner and you’d would no longer see deaths from previous months being reported in the covid figures…

Will there be a full transparent release of all the figures around covid when it’s all over do you think? With covid, from covid how many cases were sick, ages, occupations of deaths cases etc. Maybe it’s all available already but it doesn’t make the main news anyway.

Heard a stat on a Joe Rogan podcast that 6% of covid deaths in the US died with no other comorbidity. Not sure of the validation of this. @Tierneevin1979 might know more.

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The 14 day reports are the closest thing you’ll get at the moment anyway.

Here’s the latest one. >

They seem to have given up on denotifying deaths they were knocking off a few a day in the autumn

It’s fake news, based on what doctors put on death certificates. It’s true that only 6% had only Covid written on the cert, the other 94% would have other conditions listed that in the doctor’s opinion could have contributed to death. Things like respiratory failure and pneumonia which are directly Covid related, and obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. which are known to lead to more serious disease.