Coronavirus - Here come the variants


If you drove up to Belfast and got a flight to London and then back a few days later would you encounter any issues?

If control isn’t wrestled back from NPHET, the pandemic will go on forever. Being vaccinated is not good enough, as there might be a variant someday that the vaccines don’t work against. Having had Covid is no good either as you could get re-infected. They are stone mad, overpaid for being useless.

Why isn’t someone asking them why Irish hospitals are in the state they are in, literally still like they were forty years ago. Are they and their colleagues in senior positions in the HSE not the reason why this is the case, due to their abject ineptitude?


He sounds very common.

Boris is in agreement sure. “Lockdowns are the key not vaccinations”

English lockdowns are the best, two world wars and one world cup.

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I don’t know where they’re getting it but I don’t see any word of outbreaks amongst supermarket staff. Maybe there is and we’re not hearing about it. Plenty of meat plants were shut down though. A lot of asymptomatic cases but shut down all the same.

They are mighty for prevention of dust intake when shaking a bit of straw in a small shed.


Would they be much use for spreading a bag of lime? I’m currently using the wim hof method

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Can they be done for perjury for claiming vaccines don’t work against the SA variant. Considering there is proof it is effective

Heard today of a woman locally, a few years below me in school, in hospital with blood clots after getting the AZ.

Everything with the orish vcovid response is wrong. I’m even agreeing with the YFG virgins. Worlds fucked

But that’s not evidence that cloth masks are useless. I don’t think anybody is under the impression that they’re completely safe while wearing a cloth mask in a supermarket. Neither are people entirely safe while wearing a surgical mask, though surgical masks are clearly better. But again, they’re not infallible.

No argument with that, the better the mask, the better the outcome at a societal level, you would think, anyway. My understanding is that Austria has mandated surgical masks of at least FFP2 standard since January, but their cases rose from January to March. Again, this is not an argument against surgical masks.

[quote=“Tierneevin1979, post:8122, topic:33599”]

Well Johns Hopkins say there is a clear link between party affiliation of Governors and outcomes. And I don’t think you can simply dismiss the ideology of Trump supporters to the pandemic. They have been actively hostile to anything to do with it since the start, there is a massive amount active hostility to science or anything to do with it among Republican supporters that has been fostered by that party’s attempt to create a crazy culture war.

Clearly the attitude of Trump supporters is far from the only reason for America’s pandemic disaster, but it is unavoidably a considerable factor.

We in Ireland made the wrong decisions. We opened our pubs and we encouraged foreign travel. We had no goal. Simple as. Nevertheless we’ve done a lot better than a lot of Europe, most of Europe actually. Despite our failure I’d still much rather be here than in the UK or Sweden or Hungary.

I’d say Sweden and Florida have had fairly calamitous death and destruction but even then they didn’t go for a proper herd immunity approach to the best of my knowledge. The herd immunity approach would have basically required everybody to act as if there was no pandemic and that was never going to happen, which was why talk that it was achievable in the first place was bunkum. It was never achievable. Human nature dictated otherwise. Which was why it should never have even been discussed.

The best way to protect the elderly was to keep Covid as low as possible in the community. The surest way of killing lots of elderly was to have it spreading widely in the community. The notion you could have Covid spread widely and yet protect the vulnerable was another crock. Asymptomatic transmission. How do you protect them when Covid is running rampant? Gulags? Food deliveries were already available. New York had hotel quarantine for people there who were positive and it didn’t stop a disaster. The sort of people most at risk are those who most need attention. If I had got Covid, there was no comeback, it would have spread to my father because of the nature of the care he needed. The notion of so called “focussed protection” did not take the real world into account.

Fear wasn’t “instilled” in the population as part of some conspiracy. The public aren’t stupid, public opinion moved well before governments did and it was right to do so. Of course young people are less afraid because there’s less risk to them, but that doesn’t mean older people and the people that care for them aren’t or weren’t afraid and correct to be so. And lots of younger people live with older people.

Public opinion moves with case numbers. It becomes less afraid when there’s less cases. And then, when cases rise, fear rises. Where I am there wasn’t a sound from the street on New Year’s Eve, it’s usually full of noise.

You say young people aren’t complying. My experience is that they are still largely complying in Ireland, though obviously not as much as older people, but still enough that case figures continue to fall, and I know because I live in an area which is full of young people, full of the exact demographic thought to be least likely to comply

Maybe they’re not doing so in America. Maybe that’s the difference in attitude. Maybe that’s the individualistic, “I’m Alright Jack” mentality. Maybe too many people can’t afford to comply. I mean we have plenty of people in Ireland who can’t or can barely afford to comply so I dread to think what’s it’s like in the US in that regard.

You often that say that Irish people don’t understand the mentality in the US. But maybe we do understand it, and maybe we understand that the mentality is different. And maybe people in the US don’t understand that the mentality in Ireland is different to the US. And I think a lot of people on this forum don’t either. My experience is that this forum is way out of kilter with public sentiment in Ireland on this issue, probably because of the narrow sort of demographic its drawn from.

But anyway, California’s latest lockdown quite clearly worked. Cases are way down. While Florida’s are rising again. California is averaging around 3k cases a day now, while Florida is averaging around 7k a day in the last week with just over half the population.

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Nothing at all wrong with what Dr. O’Flanagan said there.

But hey, “conspiracy!”

Wim Wim Wim

California ended it’s stay at home order at the end of January and started lifting restrictions, two and a half months ago, so whatever is driving cases down now it’s not the latest lockdown.

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I’d like to be wim for a day

This new Sidney/ Labane interaction is very civilised actual debating of well argued points on both sides without the rabid insults long may it continue.


It’s only been a day.

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Mickey Mac’s descent into lunacy continues. I think even Ruth Dudley Edwards would draw the line before this.