Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I donā€™t know the answer to either of those questions. Some of tfkā€™s legendary statistical wizards may tell us that.
Iā€™ll watch the piece again on +1 and see if I can get something from it

Is that not an age thing. Most people over 80 are in and out of hospital til
They die

The wellness lads are already winding up about social anxiety

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How come cinemas can open start
Of June but no crowds allowed at sports ?

Some wan from ESRI on RTE earlier on the general theme of anxiety about returning to normal. Their surveys reveal that case numbers are more important than vaccine numbers to Joe Public

Did they mention how many times the same 29% had been in hospital in the previous 12 months?

And a lot of them are probably the same cunts that attended the anti lockdown protests and fucked off to Spain to get their ā€œteeth doneā€ The irony of it

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Head cold, no taste or smell yesterday.

Grand, you can ride the hole off Liz Hurley so and she wont smell the perfume on the sheets. Job is oxo


Good ole models. When was the last time they were correct. I can give 2 models 40000 cases per day by July or zero cases by the same date. Pulled them out of my arse and both are as relevant as nphets prediction.

They need to concentrate on getting people vaccinated. Thatā€™s all that matters now.

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We have had comments like some people arenā€™t wearing masks correctly and meeting rooms being used off people who only rock in every 3 months to change theyā€™re password. Same folk cannot use the wfh password manager that IT set up. We all know the type.

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You were better off. Never recommend getting married in that town.

Interesting quote. The medics want to have it both ways.

In recent weeks, the Government has also made it clear that it could accept an argument from the National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) that the situation remained sufficiently grave that extensive restrictions were needed; or it could accept the view of the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (Niac) that the situation was not sufficiently grave to set aside the ā€œabundance of cautionā€ approach that restricted the use of some vaccines. But it could not accept both simultaneously.


The medics hoisted by their own petard


Take that NPHET you cunts!


We are finally approaching end game there is irrefutable evidence that the vaccines work. Weā€™ll be back to 90% normal by the end of August I reckon. Leo gave a Tour de France on PT his OIUTF tendencies were thinly veiled.


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What is 90% though?