Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I’ll hazard a guess and say the lad you are talking to would find a way around the restrictions.

I’ll make it simple for you. It says not to rely on the test. It also says that high viral loads mean illness which can be expected to show up at low cycles. It also says low viral loads show up at high cycles…it uses the word “inverse” to say this. In case anyone is thick it says detect symptoms…
You work it out from there.

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Oooft, take that you townie cunt

Jesus Christ, the old Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile proverb was rarely so true as in the case of these two absolute cunts

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I heard from a reliable enough source that Bill was a tyrant.


It’s very eerie driving around the country and centres like ghost towns


Jack Chambers on Primetime just now.
Had FF kept him locked up last few months

Miriam didn’t even try and goad him into a tantrum

Poor journalism

LIDTF advocate Tomas Ryan preaching doom on Prime Time


Magic R number is dropping


I would not believe the radio in Ronan Glynn’s car


Glynner goes home to a lovely Northern minx every night to be fair to him.

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Its fucking tragic


But people can stand in queues in multinational supermarkets…within restricted hours, just in case they spread out their shopping trips…that’s what lidtf means apparently

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Any news today?

Have we given up on it?

It appears to be fizzling out.

Incredible work by John Bull this week.


His main job was to promote smoking

Crime of the century. Pcr