Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Medics have used COVID to further their own agenda. Holohan has targeted the pubs relentlessly. Fauci says the threshold for herd immunity is whatever he can get away with

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I don’t. The person died and they had COVID is all I know. RIP to them

They have been given free reign to spread fear. All in our interest of course.

Serenity now. Serenity now.

You don’t think its disrespectful that you’ve lads here repeating the old it’s all a cod mantra for months on end now?

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The lads on here aren’t paid professionals or employed by rte.

They are using the deceased to pedal their agendas. It’s incredibly disrespectful.

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Who is peddling an ‘agenda’ on here?

God be with the days when RTÉ didn’t feel it necessary to tell us how many people died in the country on a daily basis.


Has anyone still got the Christmas tree up lads?

Never take it down tass. Just hang a few bits of silage wrap over it

:smile: :clap:

I’m glad to see people agree with o leary on this point made yesterday that is reflective of my contributions on here . people are seeing the lockdown nonsense for what it is, the more honest working class folk are feeling the squeeze from this nonsense due to the impact on their personal, financial and mental well being the more people will be convinced that these rolling lockdowns which do nothing but merely delay the inevitable are exercises in folly.

we take for example @carryharry on Sunday who was expressing concerns on his daughters well being in school next year ( I can assure him she will be fine though as children that age are very adaptable).
but look at this situation. does @carryharry give 2 fucks if him or his daughter get this ? no of course not…hes not hanging out with old people i hope , his pals call over for a few cans on sunday, the daughter is hopefully mixing with other kids and not locked away like Carrie ( stephen king) as Hoolahan advises … he’s keeping himself to himself relativley and being careful around old folk ( the right fucking thing to do)- now he probably believed the bit at first like we all did in Q2 last year in LD1 that this thing was lethal- but 10 months later we can all see thru the nonsense that this yoke impacts only geriatrics bar anomalies… we stay the fuck away from ould fellas, they stay the fuck away from us- the government lock nursing down militaristically - thats it - you roll with the punches, ride the virus out, get it done -you’ll have collateral damage but statistically we can see a half decent winter flu or a bout of pneaumonia would have wiped out the majority of the punters who were KO’d by covid…

so what is all this about- we have this colossal impact on a general population financially andsocially who have absoluely nothing to gain from these measures… its sad to see kids locked away like this, peoples businesses crumbling. many folk arent cut out for this and start worrying - associating covid with death. hat tip fergaal bowers -

now i know @Malarkey fired a few barbs at me on sunday and thats grand, he’s a releatively consistent poster and i respect his views but any man whose best friend is a full bottle of whiskey is in no position to pass judgement on those of us who believe that there are better ways to handle this situation as we have a different perspective socially and have a more reasoned and dare i say it sober outlook .

@carryharry’s post depressed me tbh, if he dosent have older kids how would he know like me or anyone else what this isolation is doing to his daughter? , of course you’d be fucking worried if she will have impact mixing , you dont know any better, and here we are hiding our kids away- its completely unatural lads to deprive a curious child of contact with other children at ages 5-7…what are we playing at here? this is what the government are doing to convince us this is the correct approach… covid 19 isnt going to go away- … they have planted fear in peoples heads and have somehow convinced the lot of us that this suffocate and breath methodoloy by which they keep the virus alive in our society has has some form of logic attached to it…
i dont get it


He’s correct of course, but Covid pays RTÉ. Picture of candles on their home page now.

It deserves highlighting but I would have also thought highlighting that the cases were below 1,000 would also. Of course we know from Holohan’s text messages to Donnelly that optimistic is dangerous.

These deaths were baked in 1 month ago in reality. I said 1000-1500 off this wave and that looks conservative. It is what it is though, we will likely still be below one month of true excess mortality off of this.

ah here “less worry”…

@Malarkey 's best friend is an empty bottle of whiskey.

Gas cunt. :smile:

I wasn’t worried about her social skills, it was as to whether the bastard school will be open or not. :smiley:



He forgot to mention though that Georgie gave Sharon back her knickers