Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Lot of journalists saying the schools are back Monday for LC and Junior Infants to 2nd class… To be confirmed tomorrow by cabinet… Did Donnelly get asked about that?

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I am a master of delegation .

Yes he dropped a bombshell on it. But he couldn’t say what that bombshell was.

I stayed up to watch Davy Fitz. Unmissable TV.

Sounds about right…

Edwina loves doing RTE shows and rubbing it into the Paddy’s.

She might even throw a few excess vaccines in our direction.

I don’t know how he does it

I wonder is John Major still tapping her?

I’d say the only thing major is capable of tapping these days is the buttons on the remote

Does he need the money for drink ??

English woman ‘We have money to spend and we can’t wait to spend it’

Irish lad ‘There will be a 4th wave’


Paddy always looking for the problem


This lad predicting a fourth wave as an inevitability

Ffs sake.


We’re a clown car of a country at times.

I’m watching this from behind the sofa through my fingers.

The people on this RTE show seem very bitter towards the success of the British vaccination programme.

If the europeans had their act together, perhaps they could also plan to open in June.

Where did it all go wrong?

Boris Johnson and Arlene Foster/Michelle O Neill should be running the country


More Brit bashing after the break

But but but, we’re near the the top for vaccinations in the Eu.