Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

How many are dying? Thousands?

What hospitals have the outbreaks?

The narrative is it is getting completely out if control

Naas seemingly

I think we could move on without Kildare if we have to


The standard of hygiene in Kildare must be woeful

Animals Ted

Ateing with their hands, pissing on the floor and spitting into each other’s mouths.

Just threw out some dirty stinking Carrolls ham there.

I’d prefer “with”. It’s such a shame they stopped reporting on the ages and underlying medical conditions. I suppose it was making it harder to swallow the Draconian lockdown measures.

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Nah mate. @Lazarus was referring to a bit of a jig when he said rince.


Hard to lock dow an entire country for 90yr olds in nursing homes.

Because all the most vulnerable in Ireland have died already.

If we want to stop the virus, we close everything. Outlaw any form of travel whatsoever. Close our border. Make people stay in their homes. Complete and total lockdown until the virus is eradicated.

As we have an open border to a different country, we cant do that.

Our current restrictions arent stpping the virus, nor are they sustainable from a business or economic point of view. We are in a pointless halfway house of restrictions. Achieving nothing. We cant continue like this forever, and it may never be fully safe (is anything “fully safe?”) to open.

Sooner or later we need to bite the bullet and open up fully. I’m hopeful the schools returning might force some normality on people.


Jesus it will be some body blow to the national conscious if this blows out and they feel the need for a longer term lockdown. Worse than the 2007 Rugby World Cup.

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You’d fear for Jacinta Aherne if the Aucklanders have to go a few days without their flat whites.

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Where are we at with transmission by asymptomatic cases?

It seems to depend on the viral load, someone asymptomatic shedding a lot of virus is as contagious as someone who is sick. Which is why masks are actually important as even if you get exposed to the virus, you may not get enough to get sick.

The whole thing seems to depend on T-cells and immune memory. Whether it’s from prior infections or prior vaccines, a significant percentage of people have a strong immune response to this “novel” virus. In one study done in San Diego, 40-60% of people who had never been exposed to SARS2 had an immune response to it, similar studies in Germany and Singapore were at 34% and 40%.

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I have been saying this for weeks.

It has to be all duck or no dinner.

Wear your masks lads.

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