Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I’ll defer to your greater experience on the subject although I would point out many professions are mentally exhaustng and involve 60 hours week, esp in a time of crisis.
The schools are being set up for a big fall here as far as I can see

This Trinity expert has gone rogue, calling for spectators to be allowed at sport. The junta will probably have him lined up against a wall and be shot before he gets out of Montrose.


He’ll never be heard from again

He’s in trouble precisely because it’s all superficial theatre.

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Had a look at Twitter. Matt Cooper, Damien Tiernan and other sober mature types saying he has to go. Never mind the younger and more excitable types or those who just want to give FF a kicking.

He’ll trigger an omerta

RTE actually being reasonable enough here for once

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Prime Time essentially calling this a cod here.

I just had an image of a load of kids on a paddy wagon tour bus with some lad describing the same boring countryside over and over again to the kids day after day.


We’ll get a limerick minister yet. For a week or so anyway. Everyone will get a spin

Charlie will make a great Minister for Agriculture.

Who’s next on the rota?

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This dope with the face mask on indoors.

There will be a surge in spotty teens after all this

ROD’s time has come @dodgy_keeper


It could be done, of course, but it would lead to a deterioration of teaching standards, I’m certain of that,

There’s not many of those 60 hour jobs where you have to be switched on constantly, almost performing as a primary school teacher

You’d be fucked


Come with me through the magic partition


I’d say it’s very hard to get a good nap in with all them kids talking and screeching around the place. Wouldn’t be for me

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