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This is senior hurling


This is some shit show from FF


Just like the old days for our younger members.


Assume so

I was frantically switching between Morning Ireland and Newstalk on the way into work there.

Newstalk got the jump with news of his resignation by a good ten minutes. That Cuddihy lad did a good representation of TFK with copious amounts of outrage, indignation and ridicule.

Which Green TD can they parachute into Agriculture now?

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Coleman trying to defend him there

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Big Jim O’Callaghan for Minister of Agriculture.

It’s something Champ might consider, given his recent decision making.

Far removed from ordinary folk the pricks

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Was Calleary actually going to do a round of breakfast interviews to defend his actions?? He must be a very special type of idiot. Almost reminiscent of Cowen appearing on Morning Ireland with the husky hungover Galway voice.


Catherine Martin can just add it on

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No I don’t feel sorry for anyone who’s put themselves in that position

Arrogance equals an unelected government

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Champ will probably appoint Jack Chambers

Jerry fucking Buttimer to name one of the langers

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A West Dub is just what agriculture needs

Get plenty of holes in 1 though

Would you take it? A rush job

Cabog ( my late mother’s terminology for anyone who’s a prick) great to hear it again